Lead Organized by: Hong Kong Productivity Council
Organized by:
- The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Hong Kong and Macau Chapter,
- Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification (HKTIC),
- Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT),
- Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS),
- Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF),
- The Hong Kong Security Association (HKSA),
- Information Security and Forensics Society (ISFS),
- Information Systems Audit and Control Association China Hong Kong Chapter (ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter),
- Internet Society Hong Kong Chapter (ISOCHK)
- Professional Information Security Association (PISA)
Date: 23 - 24 October 2024 (Wed - Thur)
Time: 08:30 – 18:00
Venue: 2/F, Old Wing, HKCEC, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Language: English
Fee Free-of-charge
Enquiry & Email:
Mr Alex WUT Tel: (852) 2788 5404 |
Ms Alice KO Tel: (852) 2789 7952 |
Website: https://www.cssummit.hk/
Registration Link: https://www.cssummit.hk/registration/
With the theme "Cyber Security Fortification - The AI Paradox" along with the subtheme focusing on "Emerging Technologies, Legislation, Regulations, Privacy, and Compliance" this year, CS Summit 2024 will bring everyone together for exploring the latest technologies and developments in cyber security industry.
The Summit will feature more than 30 speaking sessions, 3 panel discussions, covering a wide array of essential topics - (i) cyber security professional, (ii) cyber security solution, (iii) emerging technologies, (iv) legislation and regulations or (v) privacy and compliance, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging experience for all attendees. You will have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with the expert speakers, and gain valuable insights.Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and network with industry experts.
Register now to keep abreast of the latest solutions and news in the industry and may have a chance to get a special gift*!
*Only applicable to those participants who have completed the evaluation form daily after the event and liked our Facebook / LinkedIn Page. Due to the limited quota, the special gift will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Each eligible participant can only redeem one gift. The lead organiser reserves the sole discretion and final decision on the gift arrangement.
香港網絡安全高峰會2024 (Cyber Security Summit Hong Kong 2024) - 宣傳材料
主辦單位: 香港生產力促進局
- 雲安全聯盟(CSA)香港澳門分會,
- 香港測檢認證協會(HKTIC),
- 香港網絡安全事故協調中心(HKCERT),
- 香港電腦學會(HKCS),
- 香港資訊科技商會(HKITF),
- 香港保安協會(HKSA),
- 資訊保安及法證公會(ISFS),
- 國際資訊系統審計協會中國香港分會(ISACA中國香港分會),
- 香港互聯網協會(ISOCHK),
- 專業資訊保安協會(PISA)
日期: 2024年10月23日至24日(星期三至星期四)
時間: 08:30 – 18:00
地點: 香港灣仔香港會議展覽中心舊翼二樓
語言: 英文
費用 免費
屈先生 (Alex) 電話:(852) 2788 5404 |
高小姐 (Alice) 電話:(852) 2789 7952 |
今年的香港網路安全峰會2024 (Cyber Security Summit Hong Kong 2024)主題為「網路安全防禦:人工智能悖論 (Cyber Security Fortification - The AI Paradox)」,並聚焦於「數碼轉型 、法規、隱私和合規管理 」作為分支主題,匯聚香港、內地和海外網絡安全專家 ,探討人工智能在網絡安全上扮演的角色及最新的技術和解決方案。
本次峰會將設有30多場演講,3場嘉賓討論,涵蓋一系列重要主題 – (i) 網路安全專業,(ii) 網路安全解決方案,(iii) 數碼轉型,(iv) 法規,(v) 隱私和合規管理,提供全面且吸引的體驗予所有參會者。參會者將有機會與專家講者交流想法,了解最新的網絡安全趨勢 。
*特別禮物僅適用於在每日活動結束後填寫評估表並關注我們Facebook / LinkedIn專頁的參會者。符合條件的參會者每日只限換領禮物一份,名額有限,先到先得,換完即止。主辦單位保留有關是次禮物換領活動之最終決定權。如本條款及細則的中英文版本有任何不一致,一概以英文版本為準。