“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic!” Arthur C. Clarke
Math and Mixed Reality are both tools of magic – few people understand it, most people use it, and all people are affected by it. We want all of us to be able to understand it.
Mathematics is seen by many as hard, boring, or both. Mixed Reality is seen as overly futuristic and not-for-us. Neither of those beliefs can be further from the truth. In fact, both Math and Mixed Reality have been contributing significantly to the real world and are changing societies.
All the technologies that we use and in our evolving “smart” Singapore, depend on them. Mathematics is also very useful in everyday personal life: for instance, when shopping (is it really a bargain?), estimating the duration of a trip, splitting the bill with our friends, or simply passing those Math exams with flying colours.
Mathematics also improves our mental ability as it teaches or disciplines us into thinking logically. And finally, mathematics is also just plain fun: what other subject is about solving puzzles?
In the first part of our highly interactive talk, we will showcase some fun facts from Mathematics and its relation to daily life. Then we move on to one of today’s most talkedabout emerging technologies – Mixed Reality. We shall see how easy it is to build worlds of our imagination using just a computer, by creating a small video game. Then blurring the difference between the virtual and the real world using Mixed Reality. We shall see that whatever we create continues to use the same principles of Mathematics that we covered earlier. We shall also get to experience a live demo of a real-world application of Mixed Reality in the context of a “Smart City” such as Singapore.
The entire talk is interactive and involves participants at each stage of the learning process. Math and Mixed Reality, after all, are both intensely personal and collaborative activities at the same time!
Our talk will be attractive to artists, storytellers, designers, dreamers, thinkers and problem solvers. Just come with an open mind!
Date : 26 November 2019 Time : 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Venue: Mendel Auditorium (Ground Level), Science Centre Singapore
NO pre-registration required. Attending this talk is complimentary. Please note that regular admission charges into the Science Centre applies. See Terms & Conditions @ https://www.science.edu.sg/visit-us/ticket-prices