A 4-part series of podcasts from the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Each was paired with an Q&A feature in Asia Research News 2021 magazine.
Earth Earth droplets and the origins of life
Tony Z. Jia is a specially-appointed assistant professor and lab manager at Japan’s Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), based at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is an astrobiologist and shared highlights from his dual research/management role. See photos of Jia and the droplets in Asia Research News 2021.
見えない生態系が残した物語を紡ぐ - Weaving a tale of early-Earth ecosystems.
火山や湖、温泉の物質からは数十億年前に存在した微生物の生態系が見えてくると語るのは、東京工業大学・地球生命研究所(ELSI)の中川麻悠子特任助教。異分野の研究者たちと共に微生物の作り出した成分を解析する傍ら、ラボマネージャーとして国内外の訪問者サポートや最先端の機材の管理などを行っている。 This episode is in Japanese. Read the Q&A in English "Weaving a tale of early-Earth ecosystems." Check out photos of Nakagawa's work in Asia Research News 2021.
The virus hunter
Tomohiro Mochizuki tracks down viruses inside single-cell organisms thriving in boiling hot springs. His fieldwork is conducted in relatively extreme environments and, despite the significance of his investigations, he doesn’t need many fancy gadgets back at his lab at Japan’s Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI). See photos of Mochizuki in the field and the viruses in Asia Research News 2021.
地球の底から、惑星誕生の謎に迫る - Demystifying planet births from deep Earth.
地球の中心部の物質を研究しながら、共に研究をしている仲間が働きやすい環境を作るのが五味斎特任助教の日常だ。所属先の東京工業大学・地球生命研究所で地球科学者として行う研究活動と、ラボマネージャーの役目について、お話しを伺った。 This episode is in Japanese. Read the Q&A in English "Demystifying planet births from deep Earth." Check out photos of Gomi's work in Asia Research News 2021.
Doing Research in Myanmar
What does it take to rebuild a research culture? We delve into a systematic study of how social science research is produced, distributed and used in the country. We explore historical context, as well as the main challenges and opportunities for restoring Myanmar's once robust research culture. Check out the report and related resources. Note: this podcast and report was released before the Feb 2021 military coup.
Gender and Conflict in Myanmar
This podcast looks at the challenges faced by women and men in Myanmar, a country with the world's longest running ethnic conflicts and a military coup in 2021. The experts discuss predicaments faced by communities, how gender budgeting improves a country's overall development and opportunities that arise for women in times of conflict.