09 Oct 2019
In the wake of major disasters, where structures collapse or people get trapped in hazardous situations, the first 72 hours are critical. Urban search and rescue teams, as well as first responders such as police and medical units, race against the clock to locate survivors, often at their own risk.

22 Jul 2019
Second phase includes testing of enhanced reporting for librarians and addition of Springer journals.

22 Jul 2019
Springer Nature Video offers insights, research and training material from experts/ Medicine and Professional and Applied Computing will be the first video subject collections

19 Jul 2019
A global Springer Nature survey of more than 2,500 academic book authors provides in-depth insights into perceptions of open access (OA) | Conclusions and recommendations to further increase take-up of OA books
28 Jun 2019
Major institutions in the US and China dominate the top ranks for output of quality research articles, but a new normalized Nature Index ranking reveals that some smaller institutes are punching well above their weight.
24 May 2019
As the move towards open science progresses, the relevance of data sharing and data management increases. In a survey of more than 1,000 researchers in Japan, 95% say they are sharing research data, but a majority of them share only privately among their peers.
29 Apr 2019
The CYBATHLON Wheelchair Series Japan 2019, a competition in which people with physical disabilities compete against each other to complete everyday tasks using the latest technical assistance systems, will take place on May 5, 2019 in Kawasaki, Japan.

20 Mar 2019
The Nature Index 2019 Japan supplement shows that global research performance in Japan continues to fall, but the number of international research partnerships is increasing

11 Sep 2018
Research counters the expectation that organs of babies with congenital heart disease are smaller than average.
06 Sep 2018
Genetic study shows that Javan lutung monkeys have a poor sense of taste.
30 Jul 2018
Researchers observe that red-fronted lemurs may chew on millipedes to rid themselves of intestinal parasites.

26 Jun 2018
Researchers show that female nipples are more diverse in size than male nipples – going against assumptions from evolutionary biology.

14 Jun 2018
Researchers discover gold nanoparticles in natural plant tissues.
07 Jun 2018
Researchers investigate how the blue-tongued skink uses a full-tongue display to deter attacking predators.
06 Jun 2018
Research shows that endemic New Zealand bat’s courtship song is complex and gives clues about the physiological characteristics of potential mates

13 Apr 2018
Researchers show how a fish species in Lake Tanganyika works together to secure additional food sources.
13 Apr 2018
New data reveal that female Japanese macaques bathe in hot springs to lower stress from cold weather.

13 Apr 2018
Research shows that rats can detect tuberculosis in children with higher accuracy than standard microscopy tests.

21 Apr 2006
The goal of the meeting was to address migratory bird populations and environmental aspects in the current Asian lineage Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus subtype H5N1 epidemic. Sound scientific information, including an understanding of the environment and migratory bird populations, is a necessity for understanding the epidemic

21 Feb 2006
While some media are still portraying birds as the main vectors of the spread of avian flu, the UNEP with its associated CMS and the AEWA are launching a campaign to remind the world that migrations are essential to natural processes for the effective functioning of our ecosystems.

21 Feb 2006
By continuing to focus only on bird migrations, other mechanisms and paths for the contamination are being underestimated, and effective protection measures ignored.

30 Oct 2005
Discussions on avian influenza dominated this inter-governmental conference that took place from 23-27 October.

30 Oct 2005
3rd Session of the meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA), 23 – 27 October 2005, Dakar, Senegal

27 Oct 2005
Scientists caution against premature finger-pointing at migratory wild birds, indicating that more needs to be known about their precise migratory routes and where they stop, and to understand which species may be more susceptible to such a virus.

27 Oct 2005
International Scientists warned against panic responses based on the assumption that wild birds are the only cause of avian flu

31 May 2007
Paris, France - This international event wil gather veterinarians, medical experts, government officials, scientists and economic decision-makers from countries all over the world touched by the spread of Avian Influenza.

06 Dec 2006
International Conference on Institutions and Global Environmental Change in Bali this Week

16 Nov 2005
This is expected to be the most productive COP in the convention’s history. The Conference agenda is underpinned by a common feeling of urgency to meet objectives to halt or reduce global biodiversity losses by 2010.
Since September 2023, I am a researcher at Mainz University, Germany. Before that, I was an Assistant Professor of the Physics Department at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran since Dec. 2015. However, in September 2012, I resigned from my faculty position in support of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" protest in Iran and now I am an exiled scholar. I have been a Junior Associate of the International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy since January 2017 and a TWAS Young Affiliate member since 2018. I was a visiting researcher at ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil (June - Nov. 2015) under the TWAS fellowship, and also a Post-Doctoral fellow of the School of Physics in the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) Tehran, Iran (Oct. 2012 - May 2015). I finished my Ph.D. in the Physics Department of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany in Aug. 2012. I did also a one-year Postgraduate Diploma Programme of ICTP (2007-2008) in High Energy Physics.
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