Earth Sciences Coastal geography


Plastics floating in the sea
22 Jun 2023
Researchers from Newcastle University, led by Dr Kheng Lim Goh, have developed a cost-effective Cellular Automata (CA) model for predicting marine plastic movement. Findings from model predictions align well with traditional particle-tracking models, suggesting its potential as a valuable tool for assessing marine plastic pollution and mitigation strategies.
03 Feb 2022
The Sanriku Coast - which includes present day Iwate and parts of Aomori and Miyagi - has been prone to tsunamis throughout its history. Analyses of tsunami deposits along the coast, however, haven’t always provided conclusive findings. Now, a research team has utilized a new radiocarbon dating method to clarify the region’s tsunami history and better understand the frequency at which these disasters occur.
Reef Framework Assessment_1
24 Jan 2019
Determining the growth dynamics of Red Sea coral reefs has enabled researchers to establish a baseline to assess the effects of environmental change.
20 Feb 2018
Seagrass meadows play a pivotal role in protecting coasts against rising sea levels.


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Giants in history

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