

29 Oct 2024
Researchers from Osaka University overcame the tradeoff between plastic toughness and degradability by developing plastics with movable crosslinks. The crosslinks both increased toughness by over eight times and increased enzymatic degradability by over twenty times compared with those of a reference plastic without movable crosslinks. These advanced biodegradable plastics bring us one step closer to achieving a resource-circulating society.
01 Sep 2022
Researchers from Osaka University and collaborating partners detected unique fluorescence blinking patterns in experiments of electron transfer to single DNA molecules. They used these patterns to identify mRNA glioma point mutations in cell culture. The results of this work could help simplify surgical biopsies, enable real-time targeted therapy, and advance scientific understanding of cancer progression.
10 Aug 2022
- DGIST Professor Seo Dae-ha's team developed an experimental strategy to control and observe the chemical reaction of a single nanocatalyst using an optical microscope - Expected to contribute to catalyst design based on accurate understanding of the photocatalytic reaction through an analysis method that helps understanding the electron excitation phenomenon and transition path.
01 Jul 2022
- Professor Park Jin-hee's team at DGIST develops new metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that respond to various stimuli and visualizes unstable radical states - Expected to be used for designing and applying materials in various fields such as eco-friendly sensors, catalysts, and batteries