Another Development (AD)
"Towards a country where people live and are treated with dignity, enjoy a shared prosperity, and where cooperation exists."
Another Development - AD is a local non-profit think-tank. AD was set up to be part of the solution to the problems and conflicts prevailing in Myanmar by advocating effective public policy change.
AD has four functional departments:
- Strategic Communication;
- Research and Advocacy;
- Consulting and Professional Services and
- Operation Support Department.
The motto of the organization is “DIGNITY, PROSPERITY and COOPERATION” and the programs we anticipate to roll out in the coming five years reflect these priority.
There are five theme areas that AD will focus on; human rights, multiculturalism, decentralization and federalism, rural economic development and social enterprises, and E-government and E-citizen.
AD’s approach to policy research is holistic and thus one theme will be included as a crosscutting theme in other themes. Our target audiences are government both local and national, media, business sector, local community, youth and different organizations and thus, the communication strategy for each target group will be crafted differently.
AD envisions that our country where people will live and be treated in dignity, enjoy the share prosperity where cooperation exist in peace and harmony with environment in Myanmar. Environment means build, social and environment.
AD will work through partnership with any stakeholder to achieve;
- people living with human dignity,
- people respect and appreciate own culture & others,
- people have economic opportunity,
- people can participate in local affair and public policy making
AD have the following values that it ascribes and also believes that following these will not only help the organizational development but also creating better policies that are more just and equitable.
They are
- AD believes in innovation and put great emphasis on continuous learning of the creative and unconventional solutions.
- AD believes that the citizens stand at the center of public policy making and doing so should be the benefit of them.
- AD believes that government is the most important player in the development process of the citizens, whatever government chooses to do will have long lasting impacts on the citizens.
- AD believes in replacing outdated public policies with better innovative public polices which will bring better welfare standards for the citizen
- AD believes that public policy is integrative in nature, thus AD will employ multi-disciplinary approach.
- AD believes that public policy can promote the social development of the citizens.
- AD believes that effective public policy involves environmental protection and ecological friendly practices.
- AD wants to stand as policy advocate for the poor and the oppressed.
- AD wants to preserve & protect all forms of heritages both in tangible and intangible form through public policy.
- AD wants to keep the social memories to promote multiculturalism in the society.
- AD believes that the local ownership & community empowerment are keys to poverty reduction.
- AD believes in the equal treatments between different genders, sexes, sexual orientations, religions, and ethnicity, AD will never discriminate any individual nor organization based on these characteristics.
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62, 5th Floor, Nyaung Tone Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon.