Chisato Kitanaka
I am a sociologist studying domestic violence and sexual violence situations and measures in Japan, and am the director of two NGOs, All Japan Women’s Shelter Network and Rape Crisis Center in Hiroshima. As an NGO activist, we, All Japan Women’s Shelter Network, submitted “The Request for the Prevention of DV and Child Abuse under the Condition of Novel Coronavirus Countermeasures” to the Japanese government on March 30. This letter of request drew more attention than we expected, and many newspapers and TV quickly covered the issue. A lot of people have talked about this online. The prime minister and minister of gender equality have since addressed the issue in statements, and the Cabinet has approved emergency funding for expanded consultation services.
Areas of expertise prepared to comment on: Violence against women including domestic violence and abuse, sexual violence and sexual harassment. Gender issues. Academic misconduct, academic bullying, bullying in workplace.
In the media:
- Curbs to stem COVID-19 in Japan may fuel domestic violence and abuse - The Japan Times, April 6, 2020
Selected publications
Academic Papers
- ★, Authorship Practices in Multi-Authored Papers in Natural Sciences at Japanese Universities, International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 80-91, 20141101
- ★, Field Report: Policies for the prevention of domestic violence against victims of all genders and sexualities in Japan, Gender and Sexuality, journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU, 95-108, 20100301
- Training Program for Lawyers on the Response to Domestic Violence Victims, Hou to Jitumu, 7, 256-268, 20080501
- Employment Prospect for girl graduate from Technical Highschool/College(KOSEN) in Japan, CHUKYO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIOLOGY BULLETIN, 19(1), 25-43, 20041101
- ★, Sexual Harassment on Campus and School - It’s Concept, Structure and Policy, Quartely Education Law, 9-30, 20010301
- ★, Analysis of the Questionnaires of Sexual Harassment, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 35-60, 20000301
- The Meaning of Legislation against Sexual Harassment in Japan, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 39-64, 19980301
- ★, Gender Theory and Power: Based on R.W.Connell's Gender Theory, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 31-56, 19950301
- Doing Gender: It's Practice and Knowledge, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 31-50, 19960301
- The Formation of Student's Attitudes to Ecological Issues, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 1-22, 19920301
- What universities must/can do about harassment on campus :A report from Hiroshima University, Quartely Education Law, 40-45, 20101001
- The specific characteristics of harassment on university campus, Gender and Law, 33-42, 20140801
- Harassment victim support and harassment on campus, GENDAI SHISOU, 41(15), 124-135, 20131101
- A Comparative Study of Surveys on Inappropriate Authors of Scientific Papers, 75-86, 201603
- Domestic Violence Victim Support in Taiwan and Malaysia, 37-55, 201603
- Domestic Violence Victim Support in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Women's Studies, 23, 1-13, 201603
- Actual Conditions and Measures to Address "Gende-based Violence" in Asia: Survey by Asian Network of Women's Shelters(ANWS), Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies, 15, 31-53, 201712
- Measures Against Gender-based Violence in Japan :Progress and Challenges, Women's Studies, 25, 15-23, 20180331
- Impact of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence in Japan and in the World, International Women, 108-114, 2020/12
- Support for Victim of Domestic Violence in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Welfare Studies, 43-46, 2020/12
- 1997/11, “From a movement in Nagoya Univ. to a National Network”, in Sexual Harassment on Campus—research, analysis and policy,, 1997, 11, Book(general), Joint work
- 2002/07, Robert W. Connell “Gender and Power” in The50. Masterpieces for Feminism, Heibonsha, 2002, 07, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
- 2006/11, Chapter 8 “Worry---DV, Stalker and Gender” Sociology through a Gender Lens, Sekaishisosya, 2006, 11, Book(general), Cocompilation
- 2006/02, Chapter 3 From an Experience of NGO, in DV Prevention and Victim Support, MINERVA Publishing, 2006, 02, Book(general), Cocompilation
- 2017/08, Academic Harassment no Kaiketsu, Jyurosya, 2017, 8, Book(general), Joint work, Japanese, 978-4909281005, 192

Associate Professor
Harassment Consultation Office
Academic discipline: