□ DGIST (President Kunwoo Lee) announced that Professor In-kyu Moon from the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics has been selected for the “Core Information Security Technologies Development Project 2024” led by the Ministry of Science and ICT. It is expected that technology to prevent tampering and authenticate the originality of videos can be implemented, with potential applications in video security services.
□ In today’s society, videos captured by various devices such as CCTV, smartphones, black boxes, and drones are commonly used. However, these videos contain sensitive information, including personal information, thereby leading to significant privacy concerns. Most of all, as the use of video data as legal evidence increases, a growing need exists for integrity verification technology to authenticate the originality of video and detect tampering.
□ The conventional method to validate the integrity of video data has primarily been the “data integrity method using cryptographic hash functions.” However, this method has limitations in terms of throughput and speed, and requires high-performance hardware and high processing power, which makes practical applications challenging.
□ Against this backdrop, Professor Moon’s research team aims to design a video hash function that is faster and more effective than the conventional one. The new hash function being developed by the team aims to achieve three main objectives: authenticating the originality of videos, detecting tampering, and verifying the continuity of videos. This can be used to verify the integrity of videos throughout the entire process of creation, storage, and utilization in CCTV security systems, enabling reliable integrity verification of security video systems.
□ Professor Moon, the project lead, said “The conventional data integrity method using cryptographic hash functions is time-consuming to process large data such as videos, thus making its practical implementation in security systems challenging.” This project is expected to enable rapid and accurate verification of videos collected and distributed online, thereby greatly enhancing their use as legal evidence of accidents.
□ The “Core Information Security Technologies Development Project” led by the Ministry of Science and ICT is a national research and development program that aims to build a secure national cyber environment based on the core research achievements in information protection and verify the practicality of core information security technologies to address emerging security threats. It subdivides into categories including basic, applied, and developmental research to select and support researchers. Professor Moon’s team commenced this project in April and is currently progressing with their work.
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