Dr. Eisuke Hasegawa
Dr. Eisuke Hasegawa is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, where he heads the Animal Ecology Laboratory. His research interests include animal ecology; evolutionary biology; natural selection; sociality; and ethology.
Dr. Eisuke Hasegawa is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, where he heads the Animal Ecology Laboratory. He has a Doctor of Science from Tokyo Metropolitan University.
His research interests include animal ecology; evolutionary biology; natural selection; sociality; and ethology. He has received awards from The Evolutionary Society of Japan, Japanese Ethological Society, and Entomological Society of Japan.
Aside from his numerous journal articles, Dr. Hasegawa has also authored several books on science and evolutionary ecology and ants.
Selected links:
- Evolution of sexual reproduction - Asia Research News, March 10, 2023
- Novel hypotheses that answer key questions about the evolution of sexual reproduction - Science Daily, August 18, 2022
- Evolution: Genetics doesn’t matter much in forming society - Asia Research News, Oct 4, 2018
- Cooperation in a society matters more than genetic relations - Earth.com, October 4, 2018
- Diet or Regular? Decoding behavioral variation in ant clones - Asia Research News, Feb 13, 2018
- Decoding behavioral variation in clonal ants - Tech Explorist, Feb 14, 2018
- Permanence Principles of Waste and Evolution in Living Things - TEDx Talks, Jul 14, 2017
- Morphological Traits Relate to Mating Strategies in Male Japanese Stag Beetles - Entomology Today, February 7, 2017
- Before You Judge Lazy Workers, Consider They Might Serve A Purpose - NPR, March 28, 2016
Selected publications
- Researchmap
- Hasegawa, E., Yasui, Y. The origination events of gametic sexual reproduction and anisogamy. J Ethol 40, 273–284 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10164-022-00760-3
- Hasegawa, E. et al. A symbiotic aphid selfishly manipulates attending ants via dopamine in honeydew. Sci Rep 11, 18569 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97666-w
- Hasegawa, E. et al. The benefits of grouping as a main driver of social evolution in a halictine bee. Science Advances. Vol 4, Issue 10 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.170074
- Hasegawa, E., Ishii, Y., Tada, K. et al. Lazy workers are necessary for long-term sustainability in insect societies. Sci Rep 6, 20846 (2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/srep20846

Associate Professor
Laboratory of Animal Ecology
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