Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University was established in 1980 with certain key missions.
Our primary mission is to educate and train professional pharmacists for careers in health care provider including community (drug store), hospital, and industrial pharmacies as well as to practice in pharmaceutical research and provides technical services and pertinent pharmaceutical information for both private and government sectors.
Mission/Vision Vision "To produce and train professional pharmacists with well-balanced knowledge, morals and wisdom for careers in healthcare provider. In addition, to practice and support the conducted research in the area of pharmaceutical sciences."
Mission 1. Produce graduates with well-balanced knowledge, morals and wisdom.
2. Expand our research to serve our community.
3. Provide technical services and pertinent pharmaceutical information for both private and government sectors.
4. Support our cultural heritage by encourage the research focused in Thai traditional medicine.
Khon Kaen University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a publicly funded academic institute. The faculty was established in December 1980 in accordance with the fourth National Social and Economic Development Plan. It has been serving the growing needs for higher education in pharmacy to the people of the northeast and nationwide.
The first batch of five-year Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) students began in 1982 with 30 students. Number of the students has increased gradually to 150 in 1996.
In 1995, admission to the Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy program was initiated. The second graduate study program, Master degree in Pharmaceutical Product, commenced in 2000.
The Faculty is located at Khon Kaen University in Khon Kaen province, which is the center of regional northeast Thailand. The Faculty is close proximity to Khon Kaen University Teaching Hospital and Queen Sirikit Heart Institute.
The Faculty comprises of 6 academic departments and an office of the dean. Those departments include 1) Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy, 2)Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3) Toxicology, 4) Pharmaceutical Technology, 5) Clinical Pharmacy, and 6) Social and Administrative Pharmacy.
Education in preclinical and basic sciences are supported by the Faculty of Medicine as well as other Faculties. Professional experiential learning for senior students is organized through affiliated pharmacies and health care facilities around the country.
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123 Mittrapap Road, Khon Kaen, 40002