Hanyang University

The history of Hanyang University has been preserved by the motto, "practicing love." Love is one of the most precious values of our lives. This is why the education of Hanyang University has honor and dignity.

The education of Hanyang is based on this dignity, and expands on this value with creativity and professional practicality. Creativity is the power that can change our world, and professional practicality is the driving force behind new development.

Our dignified, creative, and professional students will make the world a warmer and better place. From this soil that is the education of Hanyang University, the dreams of our world will grow, and those dreams will blossom and bear the wonderful fruits that would make our world a beautiful place.

Duck-Ho Lim - President Hanyang University

Hanyang’s Reputation

The Power of Hanyang

* Host Summer International Space Studies Program('12)
* Expension and new Construction of HYU’s College of Pharmacy('11)
* 4th in the number of CEO’s at the top 100 Korean companies('09)
* 4th in the number of successful bar exam candidates, patent attorneys, and CPA’s ('09) (Over 1,000 legal professionals)
* Exclusively recognized by MEST for the creative engineering workforce Honors Program
* Korea’s flagship Education-Research-Industry(ERI) cluster: ERICA campus


* 1st AACSB Accreditation in Korea
* College of Medisine: “Superior” rating for quality in the 2nd Korean Medical School survey.
* HYU’s Engineering program: ABEEK accredited


* Papers: 5th in Korea by number of SCI citations(1,929 citations, '08)
* Funding: 152,28 million USD('09)
* Patents: 2,351 total patent applications
* Technology Transfer Performance: 1st in Korea('09)
* Established the first university - affiliated technology holding company in Korea, ‘HYU Holdings’


* Ranked 3rd best private University in Korea by the England’s “The Times World University Review.”('09)
* Ranked 4th best private University in Korea by the * England’s “Shanghai Jiaotong University Assessment of Global Universities.”('09)
* Ranked 3rd among Korean universities by the Ecole des Mines de Paris in the number of alumni CEOs in the world’s top 500 companies(89th in the world, '09)


* International Students at Hanyang : Every year, over 1,500 foreign students from 42 conuntries
* HYU students studying abroad : More than 1,700 HYU students study abroad annually
* 339 sister institutions in 42 countries


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South Korea

17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu
Seoul 133-791

+82 2 2220 0871