Singapore Management University

Our Vision

SMU’s vision is to be an internationally recognised leader in high quality research that results in knowledge creation, dissemination and application in ways that are relevant and responsive to the changing needs of societies. Believing that research can drive change for the better, we aspire to be a place where intellectual exchanges thrive. Research Funding and Support

The Office of Research (ORe) is the designated institutional office to authorise a wide array of research-related matters that requires endorsement and support at the University level. Grant applications and grant-related reports are required to be submitted to ORe for verification and endorsement prior submission to funding agencies.

In this regard, we work with various Schools in SMU, University Administration, Office of Finance, and Office of Legal and General Affairs to provide comprehensive support to researchers across the research lifecycle through the following areas: Providing information on funding opportunities We assist SMU researchers in seeking funding from internal and external research grants.

Existing grant opportunities can be found in our funding opportunities calendar. This list is by no means exhaustive, and members of the faculty are welcomed to approach us in seeking other funding sources. Advising on and supporting grant application process We provide advice at every stage of the grant life cycle. This includes: Identification of appropriate grant opportunities; Helping researchers understand funding requirements, submission and review processes; Evaluation and authorisation of applications; Award of grants; Coordination of reports to funders; and Funder / sponsor liaison Advising on costs of research projects conducted in SMU We work closely with the Schools and faculty members to assist them in budget planning to ensure fulfilment of funding requirements prior submission of research proposals.

Negotiating research-related contracts and agreements We act as a liaison between SMU and agencies / partners on funding schemes and other contractual agreements to ensure that the terms are consistent with SMU’s policies and academic mission. We also advise Principle Investigators (PIs) of their contractual obligations upon award of research grants. Supporting research-related planning Through research policy development, performance analysis and reporting, ORe plays a key role in ensuring that the policy framework facilitates and supports the delivery of SMU’s research objectives, whilst complying with the requirements of funding agencies and sponsors.

Developing and implementing research strategies ORe conducts studies on the research landscape in order to identify, formulate and implement suitable research strategies that develop and optimise SMU’s high potential research areas and capabilities in the long run. Institutional Review Board SMU aims to generate research* that is scientifically sound, and conducted with diligence and integrity in full compliance with internationally established standards of research ethical principles. To achieve this, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) was set up to review research involving human subjects# proposed by faculty (full‐time or adjunct), staff, and students affiliated with SMU.

Its primary responsibility is to assure that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating in research. All research involving the use of human research subjects (participants) must be reviewed and approved by the IRB before the research can be initiated.

* Research means a systematic investigation including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (see 45 CFR 46.102(d)). #Human Subject means a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information (see 45 CFR 46.102(f)). Click here to put in an IRB application (SMU login required). Postgraduate Research Programmes Research Excellence across Management, Social Science & Technology

The Postgraduate Research Programmes play an integral role in achieving SMU’s research goals. Through these programmes, our PhD students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and ability to conduct rigorous and leading-edge research, thus preparing them for local and international careers in academia and industry. They are given opportunities to learn from internationally renowned scholars, work on large-scale, real-life data collections and experiments, participate in local and international conferences, and interact with fellow colleagues from different disciplines and cultures.


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