Biology Anatomy


10 Mar 2021
Researchers reveal the path of information received by the hippocampus. Using optogenetics during large-scale recordings of rat subiculum, they discovered that the subiculum distributes information from the hippocampus to 4 downstream regions of the brain. They observed that the theta and sharp-wave/ripples in the subiculum controlled information transmission with millisecond precision according to the target region. This provides the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the hippocampal memory system.
Functional MRI (fMRI)
26 Mar 2019
Researchers identify a part of the brain that helps execute cooperative tasks.
26 Mar 2019
Based on the principles of traditional Chinese tangram games, with this new method teachers and parents can easily identify children with early visual processing difficulties. This will enable the provision of suitable support and training to children in need, while also enhancing their learning outcomes.
Determining fish age using inner ear structures
07 Dec 2018
Biologists in Japan have identified four distinct zones in the otolith, a calcium carbonate structure in the inner ear, which can be used to determine age in fish.
DNA up close
13 Mar 2018
New method offers a means of ‘efficient and high-throughout’ technique to study the structure of DNA.


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Professor in Agriculture and Education in the Iloilo Science and Technology University Leon Campus (ISAT U). Leon, ILOILO, PHILIPPINES

Giants in history

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