Mathematics Applied mathematics
12 Feb 2025
Today (12 February), in the second session of the “A Personal Perspective on Doing Good Research” seminar series organised by the School of Graduate Studies of Lingnan University, Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost and Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Scientific Computing at Lingnan University, gave a talk entitled “Research Methodology—A Computational Mathematician’s Perspective”, attended by about 100 teachers and students.
26 Nov 2024
These deep learning tools can help both government and private entities when making investment and policy decisions.
04 Jul 2024
Researchers at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University report in Small Methods the 3D imaging of a suspended nanostructure. The technique used is an extension of atomic force microscopy and is a promising approach for visualizing various 3D biological systems.
04 Mar 2024
The Council of Lingnan University, in consultation with the Court, approved the appointment of Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu as the Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost of Lingnan University for a term of five years, effective from 1 June 2024. As one of the world-renowned scholars recruited by the University’s recent “Lingnan-60 Global Talent Recruitment”, Prof Chan is appointed concurrently as Chair Professor of Scientific Computing, and will take the lead on the University’s strategic development on academic education and oversee the academic operations of the University, including the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and the School of Interdisciplinary Studies. He will also oversee faculty affairs including recruiting, developing, and retention, and a number of academic support units, including the Office of Service-Learning (OSL), Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE), the Library and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) as well as the Office of Global Education (OGE) and the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) via the Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation).
05 Jan 2024
What actually happens is much weirder, and may help us understand more about quantum mechanics
22 Sep 2022
Chaos theory improves understanding of Arctic narwhal behavior, with the aim of helping efforts to protect this vulnerable species.
21 Jun 2021
By virtually reproducing physical reservoir computing, a new information processing technology, using numerical simulation, the present study reveals that vortices in fluid flow phenomena in the downstream region of a cylinder are the key to information processing capability. It is expected that this result concerning fluid flow vortices and information processing capability will be useful in enhancing the information processing capability of the physical reservoir using fluid flow.
17 Mar 2021
Researchers improve their newly established quantum algorithm, bringing it to one-tenth the computational cost of Quantum Phase Estimation, and use it to directly calculate the vertical ionization energies of light atoms and molecules such as CO, O2, CN, F2, H2O, NH3 within 0.1 electron volts of precision.
24 Jan 2019
Scientists have successfully constructed a three-dimensional human epidermis based on predictions made by their mathematical model of epidermal homeostasis, providing a new tool for basic research and drug development.
04 Dec 2018
A more accurate way of resolving spatial patterns in weather could lead to better predictions of climate change.
Sorry, nothing coming up for this discipline
Man Wai Cheung is a Project Researcher and the first Chien-Shiung Wu Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at KAVLI Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU). Her research lies in the interplay between algebraic geometry, combinatorics and representation theory.
Dr. Connie Cassy Ompok is an early childhood education expert and a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. She Started her career in Early Childhood Education as a preschool teacher (2004-2007), a lecturer in early childhood education at the Malaysian Institute of Teacher Education (2008-2016) before serving as a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at UMS (2016 until now).
Dr. Hasibun Naher is a mathematician working on numerical models related to natural disasters including storm surges, tsunami simulation, earthquakes, and energy. She is also interested in issues related to women in STEM, active learning, sustainable mathematics education and sustainable development using mathematical modeling,
1. An Applied Statistician and Operation Research specialist with 35 years of
experience in academic teaching, corporate consultancy, and professional
2. Conducted sessions for women and senior citizens on mental health and coping skills.
3. An awardee of the Statistical Capacity Building award by the World
4. Published technical articles in reputed journals as well as authored books and book chapters
5. Published author with nearly 3600 articles in leading newspapers and magazines in India.
Dr. Mamta Agrawal
BSc. (Maths, Physics, Chemistry), MSc. (Mathematics),
DCA (Diploma in computer applications)
MCA (Masters in computer applications)
PHD (Mathematics and Computational Biology)
POST DOC (Mathematics and Computational Biology)
completed two research projects: 1. WOS-A (DST New Delhi) 2. Indo-Austria research Projuect (DST-BMWF)
Visited Abrod four countries Thiland, South Korea, Austria, Nepal
Paper Pulication-18
Book Publication-1
Patent- going on
Giants in history
Angelita Castro Kelly (1942-2015) was the first female Mission Operations Manager (MOM) of NASA. She spearheaded and supervised the Earth Observing System missions during its developmental stage.