Earth Sciences
19 Sep 2018
The unearthed bones of “Mukawaryu,” Japan’s largest complete dinosaur skeleton, have now been prepared and pieced together, giving us a fuller and clearer image of the 72 million-year-old dinosaur.
19 Sep 2018
A team including researchers from Nagoya University finds evidence of collisionless energy transfer occurring in the plasma of Earth's magnetosphere.

18 Sep 2018
Dr. Sivaprakash Sengodan, 2015 Ph.D. graduate from South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), has been appointed as a professor at Imperial College of London.
18 Sep 2018
South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has been selected for the 2018 Basic Research Projects in Science and Engineering.
18 Sep 2018
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) presented a case study on the temporal and spatial variability of the urban heat island (UHI) effect by geographical location in the study area of Ulsan, Korea.

18 Sep 2018
A graduate student from South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has been selected for GRA-NRF Program in Canada.
17 Sep 2018
A student-led startup team, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has been awarded grand prize at the "2018 Startup Competition, Using National Defense Technology".
17 Sep 2018
A carbon source stemming from daily fish migrations is implicated in the global carbon cycle.

14 Sep 2018
Green Economy & Industry 4.0: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
11 Sep 2018
Collaboration between Nagoya University and Cornell University develops improved model to assess the ability of black carbon to warm the Earth's atmosphere.
05 Sep 2018
An analysis of the chemical signals sent out by rice plants under attack by the brown planthopper could help in natural control of this insect pest.

05 Sep 2018
Simultaneously modeling of air pollutants and weather under extreme conditions highlights the potential for serious health risks.
05 Sep 2018
While drones scan beaches to assess plastic litter, microplastics are found in the digestive tracts of one in every six Red Sea fish.

03 Sep 2018
Four-Day Event to Convene Sustainability Businesses, Leaders and Experts

30 Aug 2018
ASEAN and China’s partnership in the areas of innovation and technology is set to deepen when the Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology (SWITCH) returns for its third edition this year.
30 Aug 2018
A team of researchers have discovered that terahertz (THz) wave irradiation activates the filamentation of actin protein.
29 Aug 2018
Global commercial fish stocks could provide more food and profits in the future, despite warming seas, if adaptive management practices are implemented. Even so, yields for nearly half of the species analyzed are projected to fall below today’s levels.
27 Aug 2018
A study by researchers at Nagoya University and other universities has indicated that feeding rats a high-sucrose diet only at night, when they are active, ameliorates high levels of fat accumulation in the blood and liver, avoiding the associated adverse effects of metabolic syndrome.
20 Aug 2018
Climate change and other external forces are causing rapid marine community shifts in Japan’s coastal ecosystems. Better understanding of species distribution dynamics, as driven by these factors, can improve conservation efforts and climate change management.
13 Aug 2018
Farmers will need to know how rising temperatures in Thailand will affect their rice crops.
03 Aug 2018
Joint press release by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute and Hokkaido University.
Abandoned farmlands hold potential for the preservation of wetland and grassland birds as rehabilitation zones.

01 Aug 2018
The Blue Communities project aims to exchange knowledge and experience between UK and Asia on integrated marine management and sustainable use of resources to improve health, well-being and livelihoods of coastal communities in the study areas. University of Malaya hosted the first meeting attended by participants from partnering countries.
01 Aug 2018
An international group of researchers has demonstrated that branching complexity of rivers affects regional population stability and persistence in nature, contrary to current theories which suggest the importance of an ecosystem’s size.
23 Jul 2018
A low-cost method for collecting water from the atmosphere could be used to provide potable water to dry, inland regions.
23 Jul 2018
Volcanic eruptions in Mexico and the Philippines can lead to atmospheric changes that favor the ventilation of deep water in the Red Sea.

18 Jul 2018
Maintaining a balance between rising sea levels and soil accumulation will rely on careful management of coastal regions.

18 Jul 2018
The first quantification of wind energy in Saudi Arabia points to high wind power potential for many decades to come.
15 Jul 2018
A new study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) offers decisive proof that South Korea’s Ulsan city is affected by toxic substances contained in fine dust particles, regardless of the season.
12 Jul 2018
The inclusion of taxon-specific sensitivity to a shifting climate helps us understand species distributional responses to changes in climate.
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