Earth Sciences
22 Feb 2018
Researchers have identified the first spontaneous mutant coral symbiont alga to not maintain a symbiotic relationship with its host.
20 Feb 2018
Seagrass meadows play a pivotal role in protecting coasts against rising sea levels.
19 Feb 2018
Nitrate deposits in the Arctic remains high even after the turn of the century, despite environmental policies adopted by neighboring countries in the late 20th century to cut nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
13 Feb 2018
Clonal ants appear to be diverse in responding to sweetened water, suggesting epigenetic regulation in behavioral variation and colony survival.
13 Feb 2018
Ocean colour could serve as a reliable proxy for salinity, opening the door for more frequent and detailed measurements.
09 Feb 2018
The first observational study of a dung beetle species on Langkawi Island in the Andaman Sea reveals insights about its tastes and what that means for the ecosystem.
06 Feb 2018
Multi-omics research (*1) on Thermosulfidibacter (isolated from a hydrothermal field in the Southern Okinawa Trough) has enabled the discovery of possibly the most primordial form of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle.
30 Jan 2018
A method to visualize hidden statistical structure helps make sense of environmental data.
24 Jan 2018
Detailed sorting of scrap car parts could boost recycling rates to over 97%, saving billions spent on new materials and slashing associated greenhouse gas emissions.
22 Jan 2018
Geophysical modeling of one of the world’s most important fossil sites reveals the history of the site where early humankind evolved.
14 Jan 2018
The transition to renewables will take decades, so we must rush to clean up conventional fuel combustion, says Mani Sarathy.
11 Jan 2018
Professor David Chen and Dr Li Jianfeng found the apparent temperature (AP) increased faster than air temperature (AT) over land in the past few decades, especially in the low latitude areas, and the rise is expected to continue in the future. This finding was recently published in Nature Climate Change.
08 Jan 2018
A new statistical technique could be used to more accurately locate global wind resources.
01 Jan 2018
Synchrotron study reveals oxygen’s influence on the chemistry that surrounds us.
29 Dec 2017
Jumping genes could make an alga, and its coral host, more tolerant to warming sea temperatures.

28 Dec 2017
Charcoal remains after a forest fire help decompose fine roots in the soil, potentially accelerating CO2 emissions in boreal forests.
20 Dec 2017
Some species of fish have special adaptive mechanisms that could improve their chances of surviving the greenhouse effect.
20 Dec 2017
Tailor-made membranes offer a cleaner method for the industrial-scale separation of chemical mixtures, says Suzana Nunes. But first we need to make their manufacture greener.

20 Dec 2017
Ugandan conservation leader Caroline Asiimwe is engaging the local population in a cooperative approach to preserve wildlife from illegal activities and ensure healthy ecosystems in her country.

20 Dec 2017
As 2017 comes to a close, TWAS has named the winners of some its most prestigious prizes. One is a geoscientist whose works supports awareness of geological hazards in the Andes. Others focus on health, medicinal plants and novel theories of human economic behaviour.
20 Dec 2017
A group of researchers from University of Malaya, Malaysia and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom are working on a 2-year project entitled “Using Nexus Thinking to Empower Community-based Management of Mangrove Fisheries”, which aims to advance the application of nexus thinking for sustainable management of mangrove fishery resources.
13 Dec 2017
Entomologist Gets First-ever Footage of the Lost Species in Primeval Jungles of Malaysia.

11 Dec 2017
The InterAcademy Partnership for Science, representing the world’s academies of science releases, a ‘Statement on Climate Change and Education’ endorsed by the majority of its member academies
04 Dec 2017
A new soil classification, and tools to implement it, helps understanding of the properties of the ground underpinning geo-engineering projects.

21 Nov 2017
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) today releases a Statement ‘Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction’. Developed by a working group of experts nominated by academies of science from around the globe, the Statement itself has been endorsed by IAP's member academies.

06 Nov 2017
China’s measures to improve air quality are working, but more stringent policies should be put in place to safeguard public health, a new study has shown.
06 Nov 2017
Promising electrochemical technologies for cleaning wastewater are boosted by discovery of extremophilic microbes in the Red Sea.
06 Nov 2017
A method for creating nanoparticles without using solvents could lead to environmentally friendly electronics.

31 Oct 2017
The world’s warmest sea is heating up faster than the global average, which could challenge the ability of the Red Sea’s organisms to cope.
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