Biology Evolutionary biology
09 Jun 2017
Nipponosaurus sachalinensis - a controversial hadrosaurid dinosaur whose fossilized skeleton was unearthed in southern Sakhalin in 1934 - is found to be a valid taxon and a juvenile that had not reached sexual maturity.
06 Jun 2017
The complete skeleton of an 8-meter-long dinosaur has been unearthed from marine deposits dating back 72 million years at Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, making it the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Japan, according to researchers.
26 May 2017
Tohoku University researchers and their international collaborators have identified a possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds, according to a recently published study in Nature Communications.
20 Apr 2017
Asexual reproduction increases when female cockroaches are housed as a group, not alone, enabling them to maintain a colony for at least three years without a male’s contribution.
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