Earth Sciences Glaciology


The calving front of the Bowdoin Glacier/Kangerluarsuup Sermia. (Photo: Shin Sugiyama)
03 Feb 2025
Detailed study of a Greenland glacier’s flow rate reveals the impact of environmental conditions.
Dotson Ice Shelf, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica (Photo: Taewook Park)
11 Apr 2024
Meandering ocean currents play an important role in the melting of Antarctic ice shelves, threatening a significant rise in sea levels.
Qaanaaq Glacier, Greenland (Photo: Evgeny Podolskiy).
23 May 2023
Acoustic signals can be effectively used for monitoring glacial runoff and provide a cheaper and more accessible alternative to existing methods.
Satellite photo of the Kamchatka peninsula (Photo: Shin Sugiyama).
07 Sep 2022
Scientists have quantified the glacier mass loss on the Kamchatka Peninsula; the accelerated loss in the region since the turn of the millennium is likely to increase in the short term.
14 Mar 2022
As a result of global warming in the 21st century, the Greenland ice sheet may contribute several metres to sea-level rise in the centuries to come; however, effective climate change mitigation measures will greatly reduce its decay.
Hokkaido University
22 Dec 2021
Scientists predict that continued global warming under current trends could lead to an elevation of the sea level by as much as five meters by the year 3000 CE.
01 Jul 2021
Scientists show that an ocean-bottom seismometer deployed close to the calving front of a glacier in Greenland can detect continuous seismic radiation from a glacier sliding, reminiscent of a slow earthquake.
Qaanaaq Village in July 2018. The ocean is still covered in sea ice
13 Apr 2021
Hokkaido University researchers have clarified different causes of past glacial river floods in the far north of Greenland, and what it means for the region’s residents as the climate changes.
17 Sep 2020
An international consortium of researchers under the aegis of CMIP6 has calculated new estimates for the melting of Earth’s ice sheets due to greenhouse gas emissions and its impact on sea levels, showing that the ice sheets could together contribute more than 40 cm by the end of 2100.
Image Name
08 May 2019
Scientists have employed a new method utilizing tsunami signals to calculate the calving magnitude of an ocean-terminating glacier in northwestern Greenland, uncovering correlations between calving flux and environmental factors such as air temperature, ice speed, and ocean tides.
Grey Glacier
02 Apr 2019
Glaciers extending into freshwater lakes can form long, submerged terraces that menacingly rise above the surface when icy chunks fall into the water.
Soil team samples
06 Mar 2018
Understanding how bacteria help convert glacier bedrock into soil could help address desertification.


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