Computer Science Quantum computing

28 Aug 2024
Fujitsu and Osaka University accelerate progress toward practical quantum computing by significantly increasing computing scale through error impact reduction in quantum computing architecture
05 Jan 2024
What actually happens is much weirder, and may help us understand more about quantum mechanics
31 Jul 2023
Researchers from Osaka University have demonstrated a proof-of-concept for identifying single nucleotides by using quantum computing. Molecular rotation patterns—and the corresponding variations in conductance—within the nanoscale gap between two electrodes enabled the development of a quantum gate for the nucleotide adenosine monophosphate. Developing quantum gates for the other three nucleotides, and incorporating this technology into DNA sequencing workflows, could revolutionize genome analysis.
26 Nov 2021
In a continuing effort to improve upon previous work, a research team at the Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, have applied their recently developed Bayesian phase difference estimation quantum algorithm to perform full configuration interaction (full-CI) calculations of atoms and molecules without simulating the time evolution of the wave function conditional on an ancillary qubit. Superior to conventional methods in terms of parallel execution of quantum gates during quantum computing, this new algorithm is expected to be much easier to implement in actual quantum computers.
02 Sep 2021
Researchers have developed a general quantum algorithm that can directly calculate the energy difference of an atom and molecule using a quantum computer. By avoiding the need to calculate the total molecular energies, the general algorithm is expected to be applied not only to quantum chemical calculations but also to various physical and mathematical problems, which are intractable with nowadays classical computers.
04 Aug 2021
Combining two magnetic effects can manipulate the magnetic behaviours of a device, offering a novel opportunity for the next generation IT technologies.
17 Mar 2021
Researchers improve their newly established quantum algorithm, bringing it to one-tenth the computational cost of Quantum Phase Estimation, and use it to directly calculate the vertical ionization energies of light atoms and molecules such as CO, O2, CN, F2, H2O, NH3 within 0.1 electron volts of precision.
30 Oct 2020
A research team based in Japan may be moving toward a more controlled walk by unveiling the mechanism underlying the directional decision of each quantum step and introducing a way to potentially control the direction of movement.
25 Sep 2020
Researchers at Osaka City University create a quantum algorithm that removes spin contaminants while making chemical calculations on quantum computers. This allows for predictions of electronic and molecular behavior with degrees of precision not achievable with classical computers and paves the way for practical quantum computers to become a reality.
09 Jul 2020
Scientists in Korea explain a new process that maximizes photon conversion in 2D materials, which could innovate photonic-based applications
21 Oct 2019
Project to explore new methodologies and use cases in the fields of quantum-inspired computing and artificial intelligence with the world’s 1st on-premises installation of Fujitsu Digital Annealer at SMU in Singapore.

19 Jun 2018
Leading quantum computing experts from around the world have explored what the future holds for the field in a new special collection in the journal Quantum Science and Technology (QST).

31 May 2018
A new theoretical model involving squeezing light to just the right amount to accurately transmit information using subatomic particles is bringing us closer to a new era of computing.

31 May 2018
Although blockchain is traditionally seen as secure, it is vulnerable to attack from quantum computers.

04 Dec 2017
A theoretical model will allow systematic study of a promising class of peculiar quantum states.
08 May 2017
The Tohoku University research group of Professor Keiichi Edamatsu and Postdoctoral fellow Naofumi Abe has demonstrated dynamically and statically unpolarized single-photon generation using diamond.
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