NanoBiz Meet 2007
Singapore - This is a 2-day event, focusing on the development and commercialisation of Nanotechnology.
Be part of this collaborative event that will gather business leaders and technology experts from the region including policy maker, innovators, technology transfer experts, venture capitalists, intellectual property specialists, distinguished academicians and more. This unique event combines an industry forum to discuss and accelerate nanotech discoveries towards commercialization, a focused nanotech business matched meetings, a tour to Singapore’s state of the art Nanotech R & D facilities as well as the opportunity to network with leading industrialists.
The inaugural NanoBiz Meet 2007 will be hosted in Singapore, located at the centre of Asia and is an ideal dynamic hub to converge strong industry players, robust alliances, new technologies and world class infrastructure. The Singapore Research, Innovation & Enterprise Council (RIEC) headed by the Prime Minister launched an aggressive increase of R & D budget for the period of 2006-2010 to 12 Billion SGD (7.9BUSD), a 240% increase from the previous period (R & D Spending to account for 3% of GDP by 2010). Singapore is not only a melting point of diverse cultures but most importantly exciting converging technologies and creates growth nanotech industries.
At NanoBiz Meet 2007, you will:
• Discuss nanotechnology's emerging industry segments
• Engage in an inspiring beacon of learning to expand your skills
• Explore strategies to protect nanotechnology-related intellectual property
• Understand the commercialization process and how to accelerate transfer of R&D into profitable applications
• Discover funding and support initiatives at the government and commercial levels
• Hear from experts about venture capital opportunities in nanotechnology
• Strengthen contacts with all sectors of the nanotech business development community
NanoBiz Meet 2007 Singapore is the first nanotech business matching event held in Singapore bringing together government, industry, academia to create a unique business matching platform in order to accelerate commercialization of nanotechnology.
• Industry Forum to explore
- Nanotech Biz Trends– Revolutionize Our Quality of Life in Manufacturing, Energy, Environment, Security and Biomedical
• Singapore Nanotech Biz Panel Discussion
- Infrastructure and Support for Nanotech Startups in Singapore
• Nanotech Industry Presentation
- Nano-Materials, Nano-Tools, Electronics and Environment
• Nanotech Industry Presentation
- Nano-Materials, Nano-Tools, Electronics and Environment
For more details, please contact: [email protected]