2nd International conference in cellular and molecular biology

New Delhi, India - The International Congress on Cellular and Molecular Biology will focus on life processes that are least understood.

Cell and molecular Biology have made tremendous strides over time. Inputs from
physical scientists especially in the area of structural biology has added a great deal
of information to our knowledge base of interrelationship between structure and function.
Structure can be manipulated to modulate a function or create a new function. Today the nature code
for man, disease causing parasires, arabidopsis and rice are already accessible. In today's post genomic
era proteomes are well analysed thanks to the advent of several kinds of massspectrometers. However,
inspite of these advances we have only partial understanding of complex processes like cell growth,
cell cycle, cell proliferation, cell differentiation inter- and intra-cellular trafficking and apoptosis. In
organismic level growth development and adaptation of organisms to their environment are not well understood. The International Congress on Cellular and Molecular Biology will focus on life processes that are least understood.

Additional Information contact professor Baishnab C Tripathy, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India. Email: [email protected] Conference will be held from January 5-7, 2008 at School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India.


From 05 Jan 2008
Until 07 Jan 2008
New Delhi, India
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