5th International Functional Food Symposium - “Promoting Good Health and Developing a Sustainable Environment”
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) will host the fifth International Functional Food Symposium, which is themed on “Promoting Good Health and Developing a Sustainable Environment”, on its campus from 10 to 11 March 2011.
The two-day event will bring together about 400 participants from eight countries and territories to present the latest research findings related to traditional Chinese medicine and foods and also on water and environment. It will be opened on 10 March by Professor Wong Kwok-yin, Dean of PolyU’s Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles.
The Symposium will be grouped into four sessions, namely Food Safety, Health Foods (Functional Food, Supplements, Nutraceuticals) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Water Purification, Environment and Water Resources. These areas are expected to be of interest to researchers as well as industrialists, policy makers and regulators, food suppliers, etc.
This fifth edition of the Symposium is deliberately focusing on and exploring in depth issues that already affect and will affect Hong Kong, China and the planet. Public health issues are of concern, as well as the environment, water resources and management, and the honest information and education of the general population. The overwhelming commercial intrusion in these areas is a challenge, and the speakers will try to separate the truth from the hype –or the lies.
Concurrent with the Symposium will be a Poster Session organized by young researchers, during which they will present and promote their research projects to participants.
For more information, contact:
Ms Ailsa Yuen / Ms Wai-Yin Pang
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Tel:(852) 3400 8694 / (852) 3400 8860
E-mail: bcailsa(at)inet.polyu.edu.hk/ bcyin(at)inet.polyu.edu.hk