The EMBO Journal
06 Feb 2023
Researchers led by Osaka University used cryogenic electron microscopy to analyze the atomic structure of the centromeric region of the chromosome, essential for cell division. A protein called CENP-A marks the centromere; the researchers showed that during interphase, CENP-A is bound by a protein called KNL2 to maintain the location of the centromere. During mitosis, KNL2 is replaced by CENP-C, allowing correct formation of the kinetochore complex for cell division.
01 Oct 2020
Scientists found out why people with Zellweger syndrome also get sick with genetic disorders linked to dysfunctions of the cilia or the cell’s “antenna.”

29 Nov 2019
Scientists have discovered non-coding RNA has a novel role to fine-tune gene expressions during stress recovery, getting closer to uncovering a 30-year-old nuclear mystery.
29 Aug 2019
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has discovered that restoring a gene altered in Down syndrome called the Down syndrome critical region 1 (DSCR1) rescued adult neurogenesis and learning and memory defects in a Down syndrome mouse model (Ts65Dn).
21 Nov 2018
Korean researchers have verified the correlation between Animals’ sensory nerve activation and behavioral changes caused by insulin secretion in a feeding state. The result provided a clue to identify the causes of unusual sensory organ changes due to insulin-related metabolic syndrome such as diabetes.