The Journal of Immunology


The inflammatory reaction in spinal cords of STAP-1 knockout (KO) mice was less severe than that of wild type (WT) mice (top panels). In parallel, spinal cords of STAP-1 KO mice exhibited less demyelination—loss of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves—when compared with those of WT mice (bottom panels). (Kota Kagohashi, et al. The Journal of Immunology. February 5, 2024)
12 Mar 2024
A new study highlights a potential therapeutic target for immune-related disorders, such as multiple sclerosis and asthma.
17 Mar 2023
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) are employed to attack specific types of cancer cells. The downside to using TKs is that they can cause serious inflammation. A team of researchers has discovered the underlying mechanism that causes this inflammation.
02 Aug 2019
Scientists have succeeded in reducing levels of the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) in cows with severe infections by combining an immune checkpoint inhibitor and an enzyme inhibitor. The finding could be utilized to control other diseases in cattle, and perhaps in humans someday.


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