Nature Chemistry


The molecules synthesized in this study form different isomers when irradiated with blue light. (Photo: Akira Katsuyama)
28 Feb 2024
Molecules that are induced by light to rotate bulky groups around central bonds could be developed into photo-activated bioactive systems, molecular switches, and more.
21 Apr 2022
A porous material, which opens to receive highly flammable acetylene and closes to release it, sidesteps the flaws of the existing storage method.
19 May 2020
Scientists from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) have developed a novel technique that can produce pure therapeutic drugs without the associated side effects.
04 Sep 2019
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has demonstrated fluorine speeds up two-dimensional materials growth.
03 Dec 2018
Real-time imaging has shown the surprising flexibility of a crystal surface upon guest molecule introduction, with implications for storage and sensing devices.


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