Assistant Professor Jorge García Molinos
My research interests are wide but they all evolve around improving our understanding on the impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts on nature, from local to global, the ecological consequences of those impacts, and how we can use that knowledge to better amend the mess we are producing.
My research focuses on aquatic ecosystems, both marine and freshwater, but I am also interested in terrestrial environments (after all I hold a BSc is in Forestry!), particularly in cross-ecosystem relationships (e.g., terrestrial-freshwater interface). Though challenging, I try to balance both empirical and theoretical/modelling work.
Below you can find some more specific information on the research projects I am currently involved in:
A nation-wide assessment of the risk posed by climate warming to freshwater biodiversity in Japanese river networks (2019-2024)
Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Grants in Aid for Scientific Research / Kiban B
Principal investigator: Jorge Garcia Molinos
Assessing ecological and social impacts of coastal ecosystem tropicalization and formulating adaptation strategies (2019-2022)
Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Grants in Aid for Scientific Research / Kiban B
Principal investigator: Naoki Kumagai (National Institute for Environmental Studies - Tsukuba, Japan)
Resilience of river ecosystems under climate change-focusing on river structure, biodiversity, and ecosystem function (2018-2022)
Funded by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
Principal investigator: Futoshi Nakamura (Research Faculty of Agriculture - Hokkaido University, Japan)
Assessing climate change risks for food security and sustainability in Arctic indigenous communities (2019-2020)
Funded by the Japan-Arctic Research Network (JArc-Net) - Grants
Principal investogator: Jorge Garcia Molinos