MTE 2024 SDG Innovation Awards & Expo

The Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2024: Sustainable Development Goals International Innovation Awards & Expo (SDG IIAE) stands at the forefront of global efforts to foster innovative solutions that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As we navigate the critical decade of action towards 2030, this prestigious event serves as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing groundbreaking innovations and facilitating meaningful dialogue among the brightest minds across the globe.

This international platform is dedicated to recognizing and promoting exceptional innovations that contribute to sustainable development across various sectors, including but not limited to, clean energy, water and sanitation, sustainable agriculture, and climate action. By bringing together innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers, the expo aims to catalyze partnerships that drive progress towards achieving the SDGs.

The event returns on the 16-18 October 2024 and will be held virtually. In 2023, the awards received 165 innovation entries who competed in 5 main categories, embracing all 17 SDGs. The event garnered 3316 trade visitors from 12 countries over the 3-day period.

The significance of the MTE 2024 Expo cannot be overstated. It represents a unique convergence of vision, creativity, and action, offering participants the opportunity to engage with the latest sustainable technologies, exchange ideas, and form alliances that can lead to real-world impact. In an era where collaboration is key to overcoming global challenges, the expo fosters a collaborative environment that encourages participants to think beyond boundaries and work together towards a sustainable future.

MTE 2024 provides a unique stage for you to showcase your potential as an innovator committed to sustainability. By participating in this expo, you will engage with a diverse community of professionals, including researchers, investors, policymakers, and fellow innovators. This interaction enables you to exchange ideas, gain insights, and build connections that can fuel future collaborations and open doors to exciting opportunities.

At the heart of the MTE 2024 Sustainable Development Goals International Innovation Awards & Expo lies a prestigious recognition program designed to celebrate the pioneering solutions and contributions of individuals, teams, and organizations towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our awards are a testament to the ingenuity and passion driving the global sustainability agenda forward.

Our comprehensive range of award categories reflects the diverse and multifaceted nature of sustainable development. The 5 main categories are as follows:

  1. Well-Being: Zero hunger, No poverty, Good health and well-being, Sustainable cities and communities
  2. Inclusivity: Gender equality, Reduced inequalities
  3. Human Capital: Quality education, Decent work and academic growth
  4. Environment & Natural Resources: Clean water and sanitation, Affordable and clean energy, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land
  5. Economic Growth: Industry, innovation & infrastructure, Responsible consumption & production, Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals


Registration Opens                                           15 Mar 2024

Awards Briefing                                                 15 Aug 2024

Submission Deadline                                       13 Sep 2024

Juror Briefing                                                      4 Sep 2024

Online Evaluation & Judging                          26 Sep – 6 Oct 2024

Announcement Of Results                            18 Oct 2024

Participants interested in competing for these prestigious awards are invited to submit their innovations through our streamlined application process. Detailed guidelines and submission criteria can be found on our official website. We encourage early submissions to ensure ample time for review and consideration.

The event's relevance to the global sustainability agenda is profound. It not only highlights innovative solutions that address specific SDGs but also emphasizes the interconnectedness of these goals. By showcasing a holistic approach to innovation, the expo underscores the importance of integrating economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability, thereby inspiring a more inclusive and sustainable path forward for all.

As we look towards MTE 2024, we are reminded of the power of innovation to transform our world. The expo is not just an event; it is a movement towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. Join us in this journey of discovery, collaboration, and action as we strive to turn the ambitions of the SDGs into reality.

Visit our website for more information:

Together, let's shape a brighter future through innovation!


Organised by:
PROTEMP Exhibitions and Conferences Sdn Bhd (SSM No. 199901017179)
Office +6 03 6140 6666
Email [email protected] 

From 16 Oct 2024
Until 18 Oct 2024