Dr Norhafezah Kasmuri
Her research interests are interdisciplinary includes water resources engineering and management, water and wastewater treatment, water reclamation and reuse, environmental engineering and sustainability management, biochemical and bioprocess engineering.
Selected publications
1. Amin Mojiri, John L Zhou, Noriatsu Ozaki, Bahareh KarimiDermani, Elham Razmi, Norhafezah Kasmuri (2023) Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic environments and their removal by advanced oxidation processes Chemosphere Volume 330, 138666
2. Amin Mojiri, John L Zhou, Bahareh KarimiDermani, Elham Razmi, Norhafezah Kasmuri (2023) Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for the Removal of Dyes from Water and Wastewater: Progress, Challenges, and Future Perspectives Processes Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 855
3. N Kasmuri, N S A Shokree, N Zaini, N Ismail, M F Miskon, N H Ramli3 and S E Nayono (2023) Treatment of Wastewater by Moringa Oleifera and Maize Seeds as Plant-Based Coagulant IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1140 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1140/1/012010
4. N Zaini and N Kasmuri (2023) The growth and development of Chlorella Vulgaris in the batch culture IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1140 012009
5. Norhafezah Kasmuri, Zulhelmi Kasim, Aina Abdul Aziz, Nor Asyikin Ismail (2023) Factorial Design for Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using Electrocoagulation Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry Volume 13, Issue 6, 2023, 564
6. Ismail, Nor Asyikin, Kasmuri N, Hamzah, Nurhidayah, Jaafar, Jurina, Mojiri, Amin, Kindaichi, Tomonori (2023) Influence of pH and concentration on the growth of bacteria - fungus and benzo[a]pyrene degradation Environmental Technology and Innovation Volume 29 Article number 102995
7. Mojiri, Amin, Nazari Vishkaei, Mansoureh, Ansari, Hanieh Khoshnevis, Vakili, Mohammadtaghid, Farraji, Hosseine, Kasmuri, Norhafezah (2023) Toxicity Effects of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) on Two Green Microalgae Species International Journal of Molecular Sciences Volume 24, Issue 3
8. Kasmuri N., Razak SNA, Yaacob Z, Miskon MF, Ramli NH, Zaini N (2023) Waste Segregation through Recycle and Composting Activities in Urban and Suburban Areas IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1135 (12023) 012059
9. Kasmuri N., Malik SAA, Yaacob Z, Miskon MF, Ramli NH, Zaini N (2023) Application of Water Hyacinth in Phytoremediation of Wastewater IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1135 (12023) 012008