Assistant Professor Ryota Kawanishi
His research interests broadly include aquatic ecology, evolution, and conservation with a focus on the significance of hydrological connectivity in stream biota, ecology in intermittent streams, and evolutionary history and ecology of parasitic isopods.
2009.4 - 2012.3 Ph.D. at Graduate School of Science, Ehime University
2007.4 - 2009.3 MSc at Graduate School of Science, Ehime University
2003.4 - 2007.3 BSc at Department of Science, Ehime University
Professional experience
2014.9 - Present position
2013.5 - 2014.9 Postdoctoral Fellow at Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)
2013.4 Research Assistant at Ehime University.
2012.4 - 2013.3 JSPS Research Fellow at Ehime University
2011.4 - 2012.3 JSPS Research Fellow at Ehime University
Selected recent publications
Kawanishi R. & Ohashi S. (2020) First record of the rare parasitic isopod Elthusa splendida (Cymothoidae) from the Pacific Ocean, based on a specimen found in a museum shark collection. Species Diversity, vol. 25, 343-348. [Open access]
Kawanishi R., Kohya N., Sogabe A., & Hata H. (2019) A comparison of body condition of the yellowstriped butterfish Labracoglossa argenteiventris in relation to parasitism by the cymothoid isopod Ceratothoa arimae. Parasitology International, vol. 72, 101932.
Negishi J.N., Hibino A., Miura K., Kawanishi R., Watanabe N., & Toyoda K. (2019) Coupled benthic-hyporheic responses of macroinvertebrates to surface water pollution in a gravel-bed river. Freshwater Science, vol. 38, 591-604.
Sumizaki Y.*, Kawanishi R.*, Inoue M., Takagi M., & Omori K. (2019) Contrasting effects of dams with and without reservoirs on the population density of an amphidromous goby in southwestern Japan. Ichthyological Research, vol. 66, 319-329. * equally contributed.
Hata H., Sogabe A., Tada S., Nishimoto R., Nakano R., Kohya N., Takeshima H., & Kawanishi R. (2017) Molecular phylogeny of obligate fish parasites of the family Cymothoidae (Isopoda, Crustacea): evolution of the attachment mode to host fish and the habitat shift from saline water to freshwater. Marine Biology, vol. 164, 105.