Specially-appointed assistant professor Tomohiro Mochizuki

Tomohiro Mochizuki is a specially-appointed assistant professor at Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) - Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Selected publications

1. *Linard B, Ebersberger I, McGlynn SE, Glover N, Mochizuki T, Patricio M, Lecompte O,
Nevers Y, QFO Consortium, Thomas PD, Gabaldón T, Sonnhammer E, Dessimoz C,
Uchiyama I. 2021. Ten years of collaborative progress in the Quest for Orthologs. Mol Biol
Evol. MBE-20-1052.R1.
2. Guttenberg N, Chen H, Mochizuki T, *Cleaves HJ. 2021. Classification of the biogenicity of
complex organic mixtures for the detection of extraterrestrial life, Life, 11(3), 234.
3. *Prangishvili D, Mochizuki T, *Krupovic M, Ictv Report Consortium. 2020. ICTV Virus Taxonomy
Profile: Spiraviridae. J Gen Virol 101:240-241.
4. *Prangishvili D, Mochizuki T, Liu Y, *Krupovic M, Ictv Report Consortium. 2019. ICTV Virus
Taxonomy Profile: Clavaviridae. J Gen Virol 100:1267-1268.
5. *Prangishvili D, Rensen E, Mochizuki T, *Krupovic M, Ictv Report Consortium. 2019. ICTV Virus
Taxonomy Profile: Tristromaviridae. J Gen Virol 100:135-136.

Academic and Research Record

Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2006 Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture (Japan)
Apr.2005-Mar. 2006 Undergraduate research study at Laboratory of Marine Microbiology
(Prof. Yoshihiko Sako).
Apr. 2006-Mar. 2008 Master’s Course study at Laboratory of Marine Microbiology, Kyoto
University, Graduate School of Agriculture (Prof. Yoshihiko Sako).
Sep. 2008-May. 2012 Doctoral School; University Paris VI (UPMC); Unité de Biologie
Moleculaire du gene chez l’Extremophiles, Institut Pasteur (France)
(Prof. Patrick Forterre).
Thesis supervised by Prof. David Prangishvili, titled “Isolation and
studies of virus-host systems from non-acidic extreme thermal
Sep. 2012- Apr. 2013 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
(JAMSTEC); temporal research assistant
May 2013 – Sep. 2014 Université Blaise-Pascal (France); post-doc
Oct 2014 – present Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Tech. WPI-researcher
Apr 2019 – present Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Unit-B Lab Manager

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