Dr Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah
Dr. Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah, M.Si, lecturer in communication studies, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She graduated her doctoral in Gajah Mada University and focus in communication sociology. Master degree of communication studies in Indonesia University (2002) and bachelor from Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta in mass communication (1994).
Research and publication focus in gender and media, social media, gender and development, communication development , social and political marketing.
She has been Dean in Economic, Social and Humanities Faculty in Aisyiyah University and Secretary in National Board in Aisyiyah, the biggest women moslem organisation in Indonesia.
Areas of expertise: reproductive health (women and youth), gender equality and women empowerment (violence against women, child marriage), women in politics, women leadership, women and media
Dr. Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah, M.Si
Education: Doctoral Program, Sociology, Gajah Mada University, 2015
Master of Science, University of Indonesia, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Program of Communication Studies. Graduated in 2002.
Bachelor Degree, Sebelas Maret University, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Field of Mass Communications. Graduated in 1994.
Work and Organizations Experiences:
v Juli 2012-up to now, program manager of Women in Leadershipfor Anti Povertyin Indonesia program (MAMPU), cooperation ‘Aisyiyah and DFAT. The program is Strengthen Women Leadership to Support Reproductive Rights for Women.
v April 2017-April 2019, Dean of Social Economic Humaniora, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta
v October 2018-October 2020, Education and Campaign Program Officer of Reproductive Health, cooperation IPAS USA and Aisyiyah National Board
v Juli-August 2018, Selection Team of Election General in 5 DIY District
v February 1997- up to now : Lecturer in Program of Communication Studies, Department of Social and Political Sciences ,Muhammadiyah University in Yogyakarta. My subject are communication research, political communication, Public Relations
v 2015-2020: Secretary of Aisyiyah National Board
v 2017-2019 : Dean of Economic, Social and Humaniora, Aisyiyah University
v 2011-up to now : non permanent lecturer in ‘Aisyiyah University in Yogyakarta. My subject is Reproductive Rights on Religion and Gender Perspectives.
v 2015-2018: Steering Committee on Family Planning Program “ My Choice”.Cooperation Aisyiyah and John Hopkins University Center for Communication Program.
v July 2009-July 2011, program manager of Reproductive Health Campaign and Advocacy, cooperation Aisyiyah and The Asia Foundation
v 2012-2016, research coordinator of Women Poverty and Reproductive Health Access, cooperation Aisyiyah and DFAT.
v 2011-up to now, editor board of Suara ‘Aisyiyah magazine. Aisyiyah publication since 1926.
v 2009-up to now, editor of Komunikator Journal, Communication Department in Muhammadiyah University
v February 2006-up to now : non permanent lecturer in Communication Department in Atmajaya Catholic University of Yogyakarta. My subject is Research Methodology and Communication Theory
v 2009-2011: non permanent lecturer in Tarbiyah Department in Islamic State University of Yogyakarta. My subject is Research Methodology.
v August 2010-up to now, chief of Research and Development National Board of ‘Aisyiyah
v March 2012 -March 2013, program manager of Empowerment of Consumer for Healthy Poultry in Banten and West Java province, cooperation ‘Aisyiyah and USAID
v 2010-2015 : Coordinator of Research and Development of Aisyiyah National Board
v July-August 2012, selection team of Committee Member of General Election Monitoring (Badan Pengawas Pemilu) DIY province
v July 2010-2012, gender consultant of SCBD program in Planning DIY province, fundeb by ADB.
v July-Dec 2011, gender consultant of SCBD program in Brebes district, funded by ADB
v January 2009-up to now, research associate of IRE Yogyakarta
v 2008, interview member of gender perspective on selection team of General Election Monitoring in national level.
v 2009, selection team of Committee Member of General Election Monitoring (Bawaslu) in Sleman district, DIY province
v 2010, Trainer of General Election Monitoring (Bawaslu) for Bawaslu committee province
v July 2009-up to now, project officer of Media Literacy, cooperation between YPMA-National Board of Aisyiyah and supported by Unicef
v 2004- up to now, Secretary of Research and Development Division of National Board of Aisyiyah
v January 2002- up to now : Board Member In Spekham (Solidaritas Perempuan Untuk Hak Asasi Manusia dan Demokrasi) Surakarta, NGO concern in elimination violence against women and promoting of multiculturalism
v June 2000- January 2003 : The Circle of Alternative Education for Women (Lingkaran Pendidikan Alternatif Untuk Perempuan), Jakarta. This organization focuses on development of critical education, pluralism and gender awareness promotion.
v 2007-2009, Steering Group Voter Education Networking (JPPR), networking Muhammadiyah, NU, NGO and interfaith institution in Indonesia .
v 2006-up to now : coordinator of Komunikator Journal , Communication Department Muhammadiyah University of Jogjakarta
v 2006, Team of Gender Budgeting Role in Kulon Progo District, cooperation between NGO IDEA and Europe Union
v February 2007-May 2007 : program officer of facilitator for hygiene promotion and hygiene education , cooperate John Hopkins University CCP-Aisyiyah.
v January, 2007, lead facilitator of Evaluation Program JERP, Care International Yogyakarta.
v Oct 2006-Feb 2007 : program officer Training Reproductive Rights and HIV/AIDS campaign, cooperate Unicef – Aisyiyah.
v July 2005- 2007 : program manager in Konsorsium Parlemen Bersih Jogyakarta, funded by Partnership Jakarta.
v August 2005-2007 : program officer JPPR in Research and Development National Board of Aisyiyah, funded by The Asia Foundation.
v 2006, Member of Media Literacy Team, Public Information Public Committee (KPID) Yogyakarta.
v February 2005- up to now : communication consultant and trainer in E-Govt Consultant Yogyakarta.
v March 2004 – up to now : communication consultant and trainer in Sinergy Consultant and training center in Yogyakarta.
v August 2005-2007 : non permanent lecturer in Indonesia Islamic University . My subject is Presentation Techniques and Communication.
v January 2004-up to now : Non Permanent Lecturer in Communication Academy of Yogyakarta. My subject is Corporate Communication.
v 2004-now. Non permanent lecturer in Muhammadiyah College of Communication in Jayapura Papua.
v August 1994-December 1996 : General Coordinator of Study Group On Gender Issues In Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. This organization focuses in elimination violence against women.
v Chief of KOHATI HMI (Islamic Students in University ) Surakarta, Central Java, , 1994-1995.
Course Experiences
- Gender Women Empowerment, conducted by JICA, August-October 2000
- Participatory Learning and Action Training, Unicef-Japan, August, 2006
- Lecturer Exchange of Multicultural, conducted by CCE and Department of State USA, November, 2008
- Muslim Lecturer, conducted by France Embassy, December 2012
Workshop/Seminar Experiences:
v July, 18-20, 2018. Resource of Gender Perspective to Achieve SDGs Goals, conducted by Aisyiyah and Bappeda in Sumedang District and West Java.
v April, 22-26, 2018. Resource of Gender Perspective for Journalist in Papua, conducted by USA Embassy.
v February, 2018. Resource of Midwives Roles for Advocacy in National Seminar, conducted by Aisyiyah University
v April, 25, 2017. Resource of Family Planning Workshop, conducted by UNFPA and BKKBN.
v March, 2017. Resource of Women Leadership Training in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, conducted by MAMPU Program, funded by DFAT
v February, 2017. Resource of Women Leadership Training in Sumedang West Java, conducted by MAMPU Program, funded by DFAT
v January, 2017. Participate of Sustainability and Fund Raising in Jakarta, conduted by MDF , funded by DFAT.
v November, 2016. Resource of Information System Aisyiyah in Denpasar Bali, conducted by Aisyiyah.
v October 2016. Resource of Indonesia Philanthropy Festival, conducted by Filantropi Indonesia. The topic of Fostering Philanthropy for SDGs.
v October, 2016. Resource of Training on Monitoring Tools (Most Significant Change), conducted by Aisyiyah cooperation with DFAT Australia.
v June, 2016. Participated on International Conference on Women Deliver in Kopenhagen, Denmark.
v January 2016. Resource of International Conference on Family Planning. My topic is Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah: Indonesian Government support for provision of FP/RH services through FBOs: The experiences of Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah
v March 2016. Resource on International Seminar on Communication, conducted by Tarumanegara University. My presentation isRRI Guarding the Homeland (Case Study of RRI on Boundary RI-PNG on 2014)
v April, 2016. Resource of International of Civil Society Week Indonesia, SDGs and It New Challenges, Uhamka University and Muhammadiyah National Board.
v April, 2016.Resource on Workshop of Family Planning, conducted by UNFPA and BKKBN.My topic isThe Role Of ‘Aisyiyah In Family Planning Program.
v February, 2016. Trainer of Family Planning Cadres in Medan, Asahan, Makassar and Gowa District. Conducted by Aisyiyah and JHU CCP Indonesia, funded by Melinda and Gates Foundation.
v 2016, January, Presenter on International Conference, ICSP. My paper is Media Framing of Syrian Refugees : Where is Gulf Country.
v April 2015, National Forum on National Health Coverage. My topic isBPJS Problems and ‘Aisyiyah Experiences on Advocacy and Facilitation.
v Mei, 2015. Resource on Conference of Social Protection Against Poverty to Achieve SGDs Goals, conducted by MAMPU Cowater and DFAT.
v Mei, 2015. Resource on National Conference of Collaboration Parliement and CSO. My presentation is Advocacy to Get Access on Reproductive Health : Aisyiyah Experiences.
v 2015, November, 2015. Resource on International Conference on Media, Communication and Sociology. My paper is Online Media : Struggling Public Discourse to Voice of Reproductive and Body Rights.
v 30 November- 2 December 2015. Resource of International Conference Communication and Media, cooperation USM Malaysia and Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. My presentation of Religious Approaches on Breast Feeding Campaign.
v August, 2014. Resource of Workshop on Religious Leader in Aceh, conducted by Flower Aceh and Permampu Sumatra. My topic is Role of Religious Leader to Support Women Access in Reproductive Rights on Islamic Perspective, funded by Cowater DFAT.
v 29 May-1 June, 2014, participant of Asia Pacific Feminist Forum, Chiang May, funded by Cowater-DFAT.
v 2014, resource of workshop on Policy Paper for Advocacy, cooperation Aisyiyah and Cowater DFAT,
v 2013, November, resource of workshop of Developing Knowledge Management, conducted by Aisyiyah National Board.
v 2013, January, resource of workshop of Need Assessment Tools of Women and Poverty, conducted by Aisyiyah and Ausaid.
v July 2012-now. National Training Facilitator on Leadership for Woman Local Leader (MAMPU), cooperation Ausaid (DFAT) and Aisyiyah
v December 2013, resources of Roundtable Discussion of Democracy Transformation, held by IRE Jogjakarta
v November 2013, resources of Seminar for Monitoring Election in Jogjakarta, conducted by General Election Monitoring (Bawaslu)
v September-October 2012. Resource of Research Training in Rejanglebong Bengkulu, Cilacap Central Java, Lamongan, East Java and Bantaeng, South Sulawesi
v 2012, Resource on Training of Campaign of Consumer Rights, held by SAFE USAID and Aisyiyah National Board
v Paper Reviewer on Multicultural in Communication, cooperation between Universiti of Sains and Communication Department UMY, September 2012
v Resource of International Joint Seminar on Tourism Branding in Asia, Chulalongchorn University Thailand-Muhammadiyah University, 25-27 June 2012
v Resource of National Seminar of Media Literacy, Rumah Sinema-KPID, 21 June, 2012
v Presenter on Iinternational Conference on Sustainability Innovation, held by UMY-IIUM-Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 19-20, March, 2012
v Paper Reviewer of Iinternational Conference on Sustainability Innovation, held by UMY-IIUM-Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, March, 2012
v Presenter on Asia Pacific International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Asia Pacific, 19-22 Oct 2011, Yogyakarta
v Resource of National Seminar of Reproductive Health Advocacy and Campaign, held by Aisyiyah National Board and The Asia Foundation, Juli 2011
v Presenter in International Joint Seminar : Towards Good Governance and Leadership Decent Livelihood for Women, Women Development Research Center, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and FISIPOL UMY Penang Malaysia, July 2011
v Resources /Presenter of Media Literacy Conference, held by Islamic University of Indonesia and Rumah Sinema, January 2011
v Participant of Religion Dialogue in France, conducted by France Eambassy, 1-15 December 2010
v Resources of Research Workshop of Reproductive Health in Serang Banten, conducted by Aisyiyah and The Asia Foundation, December 2010
v IPRA International Conference , International Public Relations Association 2010
v Resources of Advocacy Training for Local Government of Responsive Budgeting, held by Aisyiyah and The Asia Foundation, November 2010
v Resources of Domestic Violence Training for P2TP2A, Halmahera Barat, held by Peace Through Development UNDP, September 2010
v Resources of Media Literacy Seminar, held by provincial committee of Aisyiyah West Java, August, 2010
v Resources of Gender Budgeting Training, held by Aisyiyah-The Asia Foundation - The Netherlands Embassy- Semarang, August, 2010
v Moderator of TVRI Evaluation Research, held by TVRI- Media and Cultural Studies, August, 2010
v Participant of Public Relations Convention, held by Perhumas National, Jakarta, July, 2010
v Committee on International Seminar : Strengthening Synergies Among Women’s Movement Against Poverty To Achieve The Millenium Development Goals in the Developing Country, Yogyakarta, 2010
v Resources of Management Conflict in Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara, held by Peace Through Development UNDP, June 2010
v Resources of Media Literacy Training, held by National Board of Aisyiyah-Yayasan Pengembangan Media Anak and supported by Unicef, 2010
v Resources of MDGs Campaign Against Poverty, conducted by Muhammadiyah Students Organization and UNMC, 2010
v Participant of International Seminar of Public Relations , held by International Public Relation Association, 2010
v Resources of National Seminar of Leadership of Gender Perspective, Center of Women Studeis, Gajahmada University, 2009
v Resources of Seminar of Women, Islam and Pluralism, conducted by LSIP Yogyakarta and Cordaid Netherland, 2009
v Moderator in International Seminar in Gajahmada University, October, 2009
v Resources of Training of Women and Conflict, conducted by Peace Through Development Ambon, UNDP, 2009
v Resources of Seminar of Political Marketing, conducted by Communication Department, Muhammadiyah University and Center of Political Marketing Jakarta, 2009
v Resources of Political Education in Jogjakarta, Central Board of Aisyiyah, Desember 2008
v Participant of International Seminar in Mac Quaire University, Sidney, Australia, October, 2008
v National Observer of Local Election in East Java, cooperation JPPR and The Asia Foundation, July, 2008
v Participant on training of learning audiovisual, SAV Puskat,Jogjakarta, June, 2008
v Resources of Media Literacy Workshop, cooperation between Diknas and Central Board Aisyiyah, June, 2008
v Participant of Hyper research training, PHK A2 Dikti, Communication Department, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, June, 2008
v Participant of Seminar of Public Relation Positioning, held by Tempo Community, June, 2008
v Resources of Seminar ‘ Kontribusi UU Pemilu tahun 2008 dalam Mendukung Pemilu yang Bersih”, Konrad Stiftung and IPD Yogyakarta, May, 2008
v Participant of Moslem in Australia Discussion, cooperation Australia Embassy and Muhammadiyah University, May, 2008
v International Observer in Nepal Election, April, 2008
v Resources of Radio Talkshow in radio Anak Jogja of Empowerment of Women, February, 2008
v Committee of International Seminar of Multiculture Issues in Indonesia and USA, in Yogyakarta, January 2008
v Resources of Seminar of Multicultur Promotion in Society in Sekolah Seminari Tinggi Yogyakarta cooperation Center for Civic Education Jakarta with Department of State USA, January 2008.
v Resources of Seminar “ Qua Vadis Local Television”, in Muhammadiyah University of Jogjakarta, Desember 2007
v Resources of Corporate Social Responsibility , conducted by E-Govt Yogyakarta, October, 2007
v Resources of Civic Education in Ternate, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah ,8-9 September , 2007
v Resources of Civic Education in Cilacap, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah ,25-26 August, 2007
v Resources of Civic Education in Tasikmalaya, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah 11-12 August, 2007.
v Participant of Audio Visual Training in Puskat Yogyakarta, 4-10 August, 2007
v Resources of Media Literacy, cooperation Diknas and Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah, 1 August 2007
v Consultant of Module Writing “Water Promotion “, CARE International, May-July, 2007.
v Resources of workshop “ Media Relation”, KPU DIY, Yogyakarta, July, 2007.
v Moderator of workshop “ Branding PT”, UMY, Yogyakarta, July, 2007
v Selection team of Community Leader Exchange in Department State of America and CCE Jakarta , May, 2007
v Facilitator of Programm Evaluation of HIV AIDS and Reproductive Rights Campaign, Unicef-PP Aisyiyah, May, 2007
v Facilitator of Media Communication Usage and Communication Technique of Hygiene Promotion, JHU-Aisyiyah, May-June, 2007.
v Participant, Socialization of Broadcasting Regulation, Depkominfo- UMM Malang, May, 2007.
v Participant of Religion and Society in USA, Department of State USA, Legacy International and CCE Indonesia, 5-26 April, 2007
v Participant of workshop “Interactive Learning”, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, February, 2007.
v Resources in discussion of Media and Environment, Kalpasastra-ESP Yogyakarta, February 2007.
v Facilitator of Voter Education in Yogyakarta, LPP Aisyiyah, January, 2007.
v Facilitator of Voter Education TOT in Gorontalo, November, 2006
v Facilitator in Women Conference of Education of Pluralism and Gender, conducted by KaPaL Perempuan, Jakarta, November 2006.
v Participating in Module of Learning Workshop, Communication Department UMY-Higher Education, November, 2006
v Resources in Seminar of Women in Media, FISIPOL UGM, September , 2006
v Resources in Effective Communication for Customer Relation in Dinas Perijinan Tata Kota Yogyakarta, October, 2006.
v Participant in Participatory Learning and Action Training, Unicef-Japan, August, 2006
v Resources of Public Speaking Training for Students in SMA 11 Yogyakarta, June, 2006
v Participating in Curriculum Workshop on Public Relations, Perhumas Jakarta, May, 2006
v Resources of Bill of Porn Cont in Seminar Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta, April, 2006
v Participating in National Seminar “ Marketing Communication in Indonesia”, conducted by Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta, September 2005.
v To be a member team in IDEA of Raperda Participatory Budgeting, November-December 2005.
v Participating in Limited Discussing in LSIP Yogyakarta of Politic in Indonesia, September 2005- up to now.
v Resources of Resource of Public Speaking Training, E-Govt Training Center Yogyakarta, July, 2005
v Participating of Public Relations Seminar “ Multicultural PR in the World”, July 2005, conducted by Communication Department, UNDIP, Semarang.
v To be committee in media center, Muktamar Muhammadiyah in Malang, 3-8 July 2005.
v Resource of Seminar “ Repositioning NGO and Ormas in Indonesia”, PSPSP UMY Yogyakarta, May, 2005.
v Resource of National Seminar “ Political Marketing To Win in Pilkada”, CSPM Jakarta-Communication Departement UMY, May 2005.
v Resource of Public Speaking Training, E-Govt Training Center Yogyakarta, May, 2005
v Resource of Seminar “ Women Participation in Surakarta, Spekham Solo-Global Ministry Belanda, January 2005
v Facilitator Need Assesment of TBC program by KUIS-John Hopkins University Jakarta in Makassar, November 2004
v Facilitator of Health Campaign Training in Jakarta, conducted by KUIS Jakarta, Juli 2004
v Facilitator National Workshop “ Apresiasi Politik Perempuan”, 27-28 Maret 2004
v Facilitator Regional Workshop in Makassar and Padang “ Apresiasi Politik Perempuan”, Maret 2004
v Moderator Semiloka “Kepemimpinan Masa Depan” , PP Nasyiatul Aisyah, 24 Januari 2004
v Workshop Modul Pendidikan Pemilih, PP Aisyiyah, 20 Januari 2004.
v Workshop Facilitator “ Pendidikan Kritis Untuk Kaum Marginal”, Jaringan Pendidikan Alternatif, Yogyakarta, 22 Desember 2003.
v Participating in workshop “Alternative Education” Kapal Perempuan-Acces, Jakarta, November 2003.
v Participating international Seminar of Communication Studies, Atmajaya, Yogyakarta, Oktober, 2003
v Participating in training “Civic Education” UMY-Dikti-The Asia Foundation, September 2003
v Facilitator research workshop “ Women and Interfaith in Pontianak ”, 3-4 Nopember 2002
v Facilitator research workshop “ Women and Interfaith in Lampung”, 21-22 October 2002
v Resources in seminar, conducted by Speakham Surakarta, 26 September 2002
v Resources in routine discussion “ Feminism” , conducted by Fokacis Jakarta, Juni 2002
v Participating in Seminar “Regional Autonomy”, conducted by Asia Foundation, 6. September 2002
v Participating in Empowerment of Rural Women Training Course, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Jepang, 3 September 2001-10 November 2001
v Conducting and facilitating Workshop “Women and Region of Autonomy ”, a joint project FIRD Flores and KaPaL Perempuan Jakarta, June 2001.
v Participating on Workshop on Writing of Scenario, conducted by POPCORN British Council, March, 2001.
v Participating on Training of Organizing and Advocacy ,conducted by RMI , March, 2001
v Participating on Training of Social Analysis, conducted by RMI , January, 2001
v Conducting of Course on Gender Justice for Student and Activist, conducted by KaPaL Perempuan, January-February, 2001.
v Conducting of Book Launching and Seminar “ Pergulatan Perempuan Lintas Agama” in Surakarta, Central Java, , a joint project KaPaL Perempuan and women organization coalition in Surakarta, April, 2001.
v Participating on Training of Gender Justice,conducted by RMI , November, 2000.
v Participating on Workshop of Women and Mass Media, conducted by LP3 Yogyakarta, August, 2000.
v Facilitating Training of Management on Gender Perspective, conducted by PSW IAIN, September, 2000.
v Facilitating on Organizing and Leadership Training, conducted by ASPER Tasikmalaya, October, 2000.
v Participating on Workshop of Regulation Reform, conducted by UNIFEM, September, 2000.
v Resource person at Anti Violence Day Celebration, conducted by Institute Perempuan Bandung, November, 2000.
v Participating on Journalist Training on Gender Perspective, conducted by PSW Yogyakarta, December, 1998.
v Facilitating on Workshop of Research on Gender Perspective, conducted by PSW Yogyakarta, December, 1998.
v Resource person at Seminar “ Women Role in Public Sector ”, conducted by SPEKHAM Surakarta, Central, Java, November, 1998.
v Participating on Training of Reproductive Rights, conducted by P3M Jakarta, Agustus, 1996.
v Participating on Beyond Law Training , conducted by APWLD-Kalyanamitra, November, 1996.
v Participating on Women Conference in Beijing, 1995.
v Participating on Civic Education Training, conducted by LPTP , July 1995.
Training Experiences
Design Module and being facilitator for training in:
v My Choice Program on Family Planning, cooperation Aisyiyah and JHU CCP Indonesia, funded by Melinda and Gates Foundation
v Women in Leadership, cooperation Ausaid (DFAT) and Aisyiyah National Board, January 2013-now
v Training Reproductive Health, cooperation Ausaid (DFAT) and Aisyiyah National Board, 8-10 February 2013
v Jogjakarta, Poultry Health for Consumer, USAID-SAFE-Aisyiyah, April-December 2011
v Jogjakarta, Media Literacy, Division of Research and Development Central Board of Aisyiyah, 2009-2010
v Jogjakarta, Reproductive Health, Central Board of Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah and The Asia Foundation, October 2008 – up to now.
v Jogjakarta, Internet Sehat : Internet Sebagai Sumber Belajar, July, 2008
v Donggala, Gender Budgeting TOT, Bappenas-UNDP, June, 2008
v Jogjakarta, Media Literacy and Campaign, Natioanl Board of Aisyiyah, 2007
v Jogjakarta and Center Java, Civic Education Training for Women Leader, 2006-2008
v Aceh, Behavior Change Communication Traning, CARE International, April, 2008
v Malang, Media Literacy, cooperation National Education Department and Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah, Muhammadiyah University in Malang, January, 2008
v Yogyakarta, Media Literacy, cooperation National Education Department and Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah, 28-31 August 2007
v Aceh, Behavior Change Communication, Care International, March, 2007
v Yogyakarta, Participatory Learning and Action of Avianz Influenza, Unicef-Japan-PP ‘Aisyiyah-Dinkes and Bappeda, September-December , 2006
v Yoyakarta, Reproductive Right and HIV/AIDS Campaign, PP ‘Aisyiyah and Unicef, August-December 2006
v Yogyakarta, Reproductive Rights and HIV/AIDS Campaigns, Unicef and PP ‘Aisyiyah, August-October 2006.
v Yogyakarta, Marketing of PUR product training , John Hopkins University CCP and Aisyiyah, June 2006
v Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Public Speaking for Student, , Communication Department, February, 2006
v Pekalongan, Public Speaking for Student, Communication Department, February, 2006
v Yogyakarta, Public Speaking, Sinergi Consultant , August, 2005
v Yogyakarta, Customer Relation, Sinergi Consultant, July, 2005
v Yogyakarta, Public Speaking, Sinergi Consultant, June, 2005
v Jakarta, training, Advocacy for Local Leader, in Jakarta, Mei 2005
v Papua, training, Voter Education for Women, in Papua, February 2004.
v Makasar, training “ Voter Education for Women”, conducted by PP Aisyiyah, Januari 2004
v Surakarta, training “ Feminism”, conducted by Spekham Surakarta, 2004
v Malang, training “Civic Education”, conducted by UMY-Dikti-The Asia Foundation, September 2003
v Surakarta, conducted by Spekham-Finlandia Embassy, October 2003
v Indramayu, conducted by Yayasan Mitra Usaha Jakarta, 26-29 October 2002
v Salatiga, conducted by LKTS Boyolali, Agustus 2002
v Indramayu, conducted by Yayasan Mitra Usaha Jakarta, July, 2002
v Indramayu, conducted by Yayasan Mitra Usaha Jakarta, June, 2002.
v Jakarta, conducted by Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah, May 2002.
v Jakarta, conducted by SEAMEO Indonesian University, May 2002.
v Surakarta (Central Java), conducted by Solidaritas Untuk Perempuan dan HAM (SPEKHAM), June, 2001.
v Bogor (West Java), conducted by Bina Desa, June, 2001.
v Yogyakarta, conducted by WALHI, an environment NGOs, May, 2001
v Jakarta, conducted by Santa Ursula High School, February, 2001.
v Puncak Bogor (West Java), conducted by IAIN, a student organization, October 2000.
Research Experiences:
v Synergy Pattern of Government and CSO for SDGs Achievement
(Study of Aisyiyah Involvement for SDGs Achievement at the Regional Level)
v Mapping of Communication Model on Aisyiyah Religious Meeting in Community, funded by Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, 2016
v Mapping of Behavior and Impact of Cigarette Promotion on Children in DIY Province, funded by MTCC UMY and Union, 2015
v Mapping of Poverty, Leadership and Reproductive Health in Bengkulu, Cilacap, Lamongan and Bantaeng district, funded by AUSAID, 2012-2013 and 2015-2016
v Aisyiyah Strategy of Breastfeeding Campaign : Religious Values Approaches, 2015
v Women and Media : Discourse Struggling of Women Body, 2015
v The Role of RRI in Border Area : RRI Jayapura Case, 2015
v Audiences Research of Republic Indonesia Radio in Jayapura, funded by RRI Jayapura, 2014
v Disaster Communication Management on Merapi Eruption , LP3M UMY, Juni 2013
v Participatory Learning Action to Decrease Cigarette Smoker in Rural and Urban Communities, funded by MTCC UMY and John Hopkins University, 2012
v Jampersal (Social Protection) and Contraception Services in Kendal and Klaten district, funded by Prorep USAID, 2012
v Reception Analysis of Pornography on Students, LPM Muhammadiyah University in Yogyakarta, 2012
v Ramadhantainment in Television, Communication Department, Muhammdiyah University of Yogyakarta, 2011
v Health Market Research in East Jawa dan Central Java, Danamon Jakarta, 2010
v Reproductive Health Services for Young in Bantul District, 2010-2011, The Asia Foundation-Aisyiyah
v Reproductive Health Research Services in Serang Banten, conducted by Aisyiyah and The Asia Foundation, December 2010- up to now
v Evaluation Research of Sanitation program in East Java, conducted by Mathematic Studies, New Jersey, USA, October 2010
v Evaluation Research of TVRI program in Yogyakarta, conducted by Cultural and Media Studies UGM and National TVRI, 2010
v Banalisme of Infotainment, funded by Dikti, 2008-2009
v Analysis Reception of Islam in non Moslem Students in Yogyakarta, May 2008
v Evaluation Research of AI Program In Center Java, John Hopkins University (JHU CCP), April, 2008
v Evaluation Research of Hand Washing in Center Java, BAPPENAS and ISSDP, April, 2008
v Social Marketing of Health and Clean Behavior in Kulonprogo Regency, funded by PHK A2 Dikti, 2007
v The understanding of the mechanism to be migrant worker in Ngawi, Jawa Timur, individual research, funded by LP3 UMY, 2007
v Communication Networking on Migrant Worker in Sragen, Jawa Tengah, individual research, funded by Dirjen Dikti, Jakarta, 2006
v Local Researcher, John Hopkins University and Unicef, Hygiene Promotion, Bantul and Klaten, July 2006.
v Researcher Coordinator for Water and Sanitation Research, funded by Unicef and Ausaid, June, 2006
v Consultant Research for Formative Research of Environmental, ESP USAID and JHU, May-June 2006
v Consultant Research for Evaluation research Communication Campaign CARE in Aceh by JHU, November 2005
v Consultant Research for Audience research of SWS in Klaten, Jawa Tengah by JHU, Ausgut 2005
v Research on Content Analysis of Corruption in Indonesia during SBY-JK regime, funded by LP3 UMY, 2005
v Research on Women Participating in Politics, conducted by Spekham-Finlandia Emmbassy, 2004.
v Counterpart Research of Gender Mainstreaming and Democratization in Indonesia, cooperate with Satomi from Kitakyusyu University, 2004-2006.
v Research on Social Marketing Strategy in NGO, individual research, funded by Dirjen Dikti, 2004.
v Research on Plantation and Poverty in Tea Plantation in Cianjur and Sukabumi, conducted by Bina Desa Jakarta, 2002
v Research on Women and Interfaith in Jakarta, conducted by KaPal Perempuan Jakarta, 2002
v Research on Policy of Advertising Agency Organizational To Gender Perspective, an individual research funded by Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, 2001
v Interview Coordinator on Research of Consumer Gratification for East Jakarta Area, conducted by Telkom, 2000 .
v Research on Description of Indonesian Women In Newspaper (Case Study on Kompas Daily Newspaper), an individual research funded by Pusat Studi Wanita , Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta,1998
v Research on Industrialization Influence To Job Description in Household, a joint project with Gita Pertiwi Surakarta, Akatiga Bandung dan Inest Smith, Oxford University , 1995.
v Research on Pattern of Using of Mass Media to Hair Dresser in Kabupaten Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia ( Uses and Gartification Studies), my thesis, 1993.
Selected publications
v Reception of hoaxes within muslim community (understanding attitude and behavior towards misleading information in the age of post truth politics in indonesia), International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 09, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192, 2020
v Komunikasi Kesehatan dengan Pendekatan Agama- Budaya: Studi Kasus ‘Rumah Gizi’ ‘Aisyiyah, Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 9(1), 2020 , ISSN: 2614-7998 (Print), 2614-218X (Online)
v Strategi Komunikasi Perubahan Perilaku dalam Isu Covid-19 dalam buku Dinamika Komunikasi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19, Penerbit Litera, Yogyakarta, 316 hal (xii + 304 hal), 14 cm x 21 cm Cetakan Pertama, 2020, ISBN: 978-602-5681-85-1
v Universal Health Coverage Issue in Indonesia: National 77 Online Media Coverage , The 20thInternational Conference on Public Health Science, November 2020, College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Website: http://www.cphs.chula.ac.th
v Synergy Pattern of Government and CSO for SDGs Achievement (Study of Aisyiyah Involvement for SDGs Achievement at the Regional Level), Engaging Citizens, Public and Private Organizations in Collaborative Governance for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Call for Actions, Proceeding, ICONPO IX, 28-29 August, 2019, Khon Kaen Thailand.