
23 Feb 2010
Media Invitation - Hanoi - Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is celebrating two decades of collaboration with the Vietnamese government and research partners on February 25, 2010/ The conference also celebrates IDRC’s 40th anniversary in 2010.

23 Feb 2010
Press Release - HANOI—The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) will gather the region’s experts in environmental economics for a two-day impact conference at the InterContinental Hanoi Westlake Hotel and Resort on February 26-27.

22 Feb 2010
The CIFSRF is a 5-year program that funds a wide variety of applied research projects that aims to solve immediate and concrete food security challenges on the ground in the developing world.

19 Feb 2010
It is with deep sadness that the International Development Research Centre shares the news of the passing of Rex Nettleford, a founding IDRC Governor, on February 2, 2010 in Washington, DC.

19 Feb 2010
In collaboration with CIDA, the Rural Poverty and Environment team (RPE) is happy to announce the launch of two calls as part of the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF).

19 Feb 2010
As IDRC marks its 40th anniversary this year, activities are rolling out in Canada and around the world to celebrate four decades of promoting development through knowledge and innovation.

12 Feb 2010
Revitalizing Agricultural Research for Global Food Security.

05 Feb 2010
Since its creation in 1970, IDRC has helped researchers in developing countries find new ways to improve health, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and promote democracy. Forty years later, IDRC continues to fund innovative research and knowledge that works.

27 Jan 2010
Ottawa, Canada, December 8, 2009 – Four Canadian organizations have launched a research initiative to explore how people in Canada and in developing countries can deal with the impacts of climate change.
27 Jan 2010
The world’s poorest people have frequently been blamed for mismanaging the natural resources on which their lives depend. But across the developing world, initiatives supported by IDRC have shown that there are ways to reduce poverty and protect a community’s resource base at the same time.

15 Jan 2010
15 Jan, Kunming, China - More than 30 partner institutions attended the Asian Partnership on Emerging Infectious Diseases (APEIR) meeting where researchers presented key findings to the media. The key outcomes from the research are summarised in this press release.

13 Jan 2010
Three-day workshop from January 12-14 at India International Centre, Delhi

05 Jan 2010
The six-country, five-project research initiative is made up of researchers, officials and practitioners from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao-PDR Thailand and Vietnam. On Friday 15 January, lead researchers from each of the research projects will present their work to the media. There will be opportunities for interviews.

11 Dec 2009
Radio, Convergence and Development in Africa is a research project being administered by Carleton University's Centre for Media and Transitional Societies (CMTS), in collaboration with Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

11 Dec 2009
From Africa’s drought-stricken breadbaskets, to the Arctic ice shelf, to the flooded streets of Asia, Canada’s International Development Research Centre recognizes that climate change threatens communities.
02 Dec 2009
Intellectuals in “newly influential” countries like India have “moral and intellectual” challenges in a post-9/11 world and following the economic crisis of 2008, said author Pankaj Mishra, during a public discussion at IDRC's head office in Ottawa on November 2, 2009.
27 Nov 2009
IDRC and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have joined forces to explore how information technologies can boost food production and rural business opportunities in developing countries.
25 Nov 2009
One picture is worth a thousand words, so they say. A striking new map exposes Southeast Asia’s vulnerability to extreme climate hazards.

23 Nov 2009
Some 100 people attended the public forum where McDougall, IDRC President David Malone, and others fielded questions from the crowd and presented an overview of the Centre’s operations and contributions to the developing world.
23 Nov 2009
Twenty years ago the HIV/AIDS epidemic was devastating Benin, and the country had few means to combat it. Today, the war against AIDS is still not over, but many battles have been won.
23 Nov 2009
There is no longer any doubt that the Earth’s climate is changing. While industrialized nations debate action to stem greenhouse gas emissions, an urgent reality still gets too little attention. Billions of the world’s poorest people are already living on the edge, and will need help adapting to climate change.
23 Nov 2009
The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced the reappointment of Ahmed Galal for a second term as an international member of IDRC's Board of Governors.

10 Nov 2009
This Initiative will support the formation of multinational teams from Canada and from low and middle income countries, who will develop networks and programs of research.

02 Nov 2009
Results of a multi-country research project explain why some children in developing countries are not receiving vaccines. The research also shows how targeted, low-cost interventions can increase vaccination rates, at times doubling or tripling the odds of children being vaccinated.

27 Oct 2009
The IDRC India Social Science Research Award (IDRC SSRA) 2009 is about celebrating best research practices in social sciences in India on the occasion of 25 years of IDRC’s regional office presence in India.

27 Sep 2009
Communication and Human Development: The Freedom Connection? A public discussion with Amartya Sen, Michael Spence, Yochai Benkler, and Clotilde Fonseca

27 Sep 2009
IDRC has joined forces with academic and research institutes in sub-Saharan Africa to train new scholars and repair a tattered academic infrastructure. These are vital steps in addressing the region's critical social challenges.
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Giants in history
Irene Ayako Uchida’s (8 April 1917 – 30 July 2013) strides to understand genetic diseases such as Down syndrome paved the way for early screening of chromosomal abnormalities in foetuses.