
27 Sep 2009
Women in Arab countries are making human rights history as they break down barriers to being treated as full citizens in their own countries. In the past few years, women in Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco married to foreigners have won the right to convey their citizenship to their children.

02 Sep 2009
Drawing from the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) experience in Africa and Asia, the authors present recommendations for policymakers, donor agencies, and researchers. They also present guidelines for developing and implementing poverty monitoring systems in other regions of the world.

02 Sep 2009
Edited by Ineke Buskens and Anne Webb
Zed/IDRC 2009
ISBN 978-1-84813-192-7
e-ISBN 978-1-55250-399-7
320 pp.

31 Aug 2009
Book Review - Drawing from the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) experience in Africa and Asia, the authors present recommendations for policymakers, donor agencies, and researchers. They also present guidelines for developing and implementing poverty monitoring systems in other regions of the world.

20 Aug 2009
Book Review - Does research influence public policy and decision-making and, if so, how? This book is the most recent to address this question, investigating the effects of research in the field of international development.

19 Aug 2009
Canada’s IDRC, CIDA, and Australia's AusAID are pleased to announce a CA $8 million research collaboration in Southeast Asia on infectious disease emergence and prevention.

10 Aug 2009
Think Tank Initiative invites eligible institutions to apply for financial and technical support

30 Jul 2009
IDRC's The Think Tank Initiative invites applications from eligible organizations in Latin America and South Asia that are committed to using research to inform and influence social and economic policy.

23 Jun 2009
This book aims to redress the relative lack of published information on successful telehealth solutions in the developing world. It presents real-life stories from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

18 Jun 2009
Asian societies are in a period of transition, as people are learn to live with new information and communication technologies (ICTs). Whether at work, at home, at school, or at large, ICTs are having an impact on day-to-day lives.

05 Jun 2009
The biennial Digital Review of Asia Pacific is a comprehensive guide to the state-of-practice and trends in information and communication technologies for development (ICTD) in Asia Pacific. This fourth edition (2009–2010) features 30 economies and four subregional groupings.

05 Jun 2009
Penang, Malaysia, June 5, 2009 – No one argues about the impact of ICTs on Asia. India leveraged ICTs to drive its economy and lift millions out of dire poverty. However, rural Asians, remain among this planet’s poorest and the most underserved by health, education, and economic programs.

05 Jun 2009
Penang, 5 June 2009: The biennial Digital Review of Asia Pacific is a comprehensive guide to the state-of-practice and trends in information and communication technologies for development (ICTD) in Asia Pacific, and will be launched on June 11th.

03 Jun 2009
The continent of Africa is rich in minerals needed by Western economies. Yet the mining industry contributes very little to African development. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach and provides an historical perspective of each country, making it ideal for students of development studies.

03 Jun 2009
Currently, 70% of the world’s smokers live in developing countries and 5 million people die annually from tobacco-related illness; by 2030 this number could double. IDRC funds research to minimize the threats from tobacco production and consumption. Here are some examples...

02 Jun 2009
Based on personal interviews with Palestinian families, Oroub El-Abed examines the effects of displacement and the livelihood strategies that Palestinians have employed while living in Egypt.

02 Jun 2009
Drawing on original field work in cities across the rapidly urbanizing global South, the book examines the contribution of urban agriculture and city farming to livelihoods and food security.

26 May 2009
This book will be of interest to researchers, decision-makers, policy advisors, and educators in science, technology, and innovation studies, as well as to development practitioners and professionals around the world.

14 May 2009
When poor countries try to make their case in policy deliberations of global institutions, they often have trouble getting their message across. To help address this problem, IDRC began funding the research program of the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development (the G-24).

11 May 2009
Hangzhou, China, May 11, 2009: Zhejiang University today was witness to a unique China-India collaboration which will address the growing rural-urban inequality and ensure inclusive growth.

22 Apr 2009
Canada's International Development Research Centre has more than 100 staff experts available to speak to the media on some of the world's most pressing development challenges - from climate change, to food security, to global finance.

17 Mar 2009
One of India's foremost economists, Dr. Isher Ahluwalia, will be in Ottawa on March 18 as part of The India Lectures organized by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC). She will discuss India's prospects in light of the current international economic

27 Feb 2009
SINGAPORE, February 25, 2009 — A new map has been released which shows the regions of Southeast Asia most vulnerable to climate change.

25 Feb 2009
IDRC President David Malone discussed reasons and remedies for rising food prices in India during his Millennium Lecture, “The Political Economy of Food Security,” at the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) in Chennai, India.

25 Feb 2009
Recent examples of IDRC-supported research and its impact can be found in this two-CD set. IDRC has worked with researchers from the developing world in their search for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.

11 Feb 2009
At Sri Lanka’s largest agricultural market a large projection screen overlooks 12 acres of stalls brimming with produce. Traders at the Dambulla market consult the screen to receive up-to-the-minute pricing information on produce being sold in the market.

11 Feb 2009
Cananda's IDRC in partnership with CIGI has helped build a pioneering research network on poverty and inequality in China

10 Dec 2008
Decentralization has sometimes been presented as a magic bullet for both development and democracy. Is successful decentralization making government more accessible, accountable, and responsive to women.

05 Dec 2008
This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, facilitators and activists working with people to solve problems and support inclusive inquiry and decision-making.

20 Nov 2008
IDRC’s regional office for Southeast and East Asia celebrated the power of photography this fall with its “Research and Development in Pictures” photo competition, and the results are in.
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Giants in history
Irene Ayako Uchida’s (8 April 1917 – 30 July 2013) strides to understand genetic diseases such as Down syndrome paved the way for early screening of chromosomal abnormalities in foetuses.