Applied mathematics Statistics


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1. An Applied Statistician and Operation Research specialist with 35 years of experience in academic teaching, corporate consultancy, and professional training. 2. Conducted sessions for women and senior citizens on mental health and coping skills. 3. An awardee of the Statistical Capacity Building award by the World Bank. 4. Published technical articles in reputed journals as well as authored books and book chapters 5. Published author with nearly 3600 articles in leading newspapers and magazines in India.
Dr. Mamta Agrawal BSc. (Maths, Physics, Chemistry), MSc. (Mathematics), DCA (Diploma in computer applications) MCA (Masters in computer applications) PHD (Mathematics and Computational Biology) POST DOC (Mathematics and Computational Biology) completed two research projects: 1. WOS-A (DST New Delhi) 2. Indo-Austria research Projuect (DST-BMWF) Visited Abrod four countries Thiland, South Korea, Austria, Nepal Paper Pulication-18 ChpterPublication-1 Book Publication-1 Patent- going on

Giants in history

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