High Priority Topics for Funding
APN invites trans- and interdisciplinary research and capacity development proposals focusing on the following topics for South Asia, Southeast Asia and Temperate East Asia as indicated below:
South Asia
* Policy-relevant research on implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
* Extreme events related to monsoon and climate change
Southeast Asia
* Disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change
* Community resilience to climate change impacts in vulnerable areas
* Energy, ecosystems in a changing climate, low carbon society
* Water, agricultural productivity, nutrient management
Temperate East Asia
* Climate change impacts on global supply chain
* Climate change and human security (water-food-energy nexus)
* Water treatment technology transfer in the context of Paris Agreement
* Extreme events related to monsoon and climate change
While acknowledging that high priority will be given to regional research proposals and capacity development proposals that address the above-mentioned topics in the subregions above, APN is also interested in receiving trans- and interdisciplinary research and capacity development proposals related to the following topics (not in priority order):
* Human health and climate change
* Technology transfer in contribution to the Paris Agreement
* Climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services
* Management of ecosystem services for water and food security
* Air quality: urban air quality; transboundary air quality management
* Sustainable consumption and production
* Mainstreaming gender equity in global environmental change
* Economic valuation and modelling on global change impacts
Submission Procedure
The proponent must submit a Summary Proposal by completing the submission form at APN Information System, APNIS.
For details, refer to the following links:
CRRP call for proposals: https://www.apn-gcr.org/apnis/public/calls/14
CAPaBLE call for proposals: https://www.apn-gcr.org/apnis/public/calls/15
Closing Date
Proposals must be completed and submitted by Wednesday, 1 November 2017.
Head, Division of Communication and Scientific Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Programme Officer for Science and Institutional Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Huong Long DINH
Programme Officer for Communication and Scientific Affairs
Email: [email protected]