"Higher Education Reform facing Local and Global Changes"
SEAAIR 2005 will bring together researchers in higher education to report their research and exchange experiences with practitioners in business and industry.
Dr. Petrina Faustine
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Postal Address:
SEAAIR 2005 Organizing Committee
Widyatama University
Bandung 40125
Phone : +62 - 22 - 7274010
Fax : +62 - 22 - 7274010
EMAIL : [email protected]
For more information About SEAAIR in General contact:
Dr Raj Sharma
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.seaair.info
SEAAIR 2005 will bring together researchers, academicians in higher education to report their research and exchange experiences with the practitioners in business and industry, related to the theme, "Higher Education Reform facing Local and Global Changes". The conference will feature prominent personalities delivering their keynotes, presentations by academicians and managers in higher education and panel discussions related to the theme by key individuals. SEAAIR Conferences have been attended by more than 500 researchers and academicians in its first three years.
SEAAIR activities take place in the right moment, to improve and reform higher educations in creating better supplies of qualified human capital to support the national development in many different fields. Post-secondary schools are the sources to provide the needs of qualified graduates. Therefore we need good quality institutions in many aspects of our educational system. Benchmarking of institutional quality with neighbouring countries in South East Asia, will enable us to keep up with the dynamic nature of the local and global changes colouring the beginning of the 21st century. Therefore, SEAAIR conventions, as a multi-country association, become an important activity to publish and exchange information, to encourage comparative research in the higher education systems throughout South East Asia. It will be beneficial, assist and advance research, leading to improved understanding, planning, operations and collaboration among institutions of post-secondary education.
SEAAIR also publishes Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia) - JIRSEA on a biannual basis