Sensors: Melamine exposed

In Nature China this week - A colorimetric sensor based on hydrogen bonding could allow on-site, real-time detection of melamine in dairy products

Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.

Sensors: Melamine exposed
A colorimetric sensor based on hydrogen bonding could allow on-site, real-time detection of melamine in dairy products

Nanodevices: Ring cavity
Researchers in Beijing offer a new twist on the use of nanowires in photonics

Photovoltaics: The sky is the limit
The use of carbon nanotubes can dramatically improve the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices

Galactic astronomy: Red is not so dead
The majority of blue galaxies are young galaxies, but only about half of red galaxies are dead galaxies

Published: 16 Jul 2009

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