Metabolism: The role of acetylation in microbes

In Nature China this week- Protein acetylation regulates Salmonella metabolism through the modification of enzymes that participate in central metabolism

Metabolism: The role of acetylation in cells
Protein acetylation regulates cellular metabolism through the
modification of enzymes that participate in intermediary metabolism

Metabolism: The role of acetylation in microbes
Protein acetylation regulates Salmonella metabolism through the
modification of enzymes that participate in central metabolism

General chemistry: An inverted emulsion
A novel emulsifier allows a traditional oil-in-water emulsion with a
high water-to-oil ratio to be inverted into a water-in-oil emulsion

Nanomedicine: Activate your immune system
A novel fullerene derivative activates dendritic cell maturation and
enhances immune responses

Published: 17 Mar 2010

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