Supply Chain Asia Forum

Singapore - The most ambitious project by Supply Chain Asia, the Singapore Forum aims to bring together more than 300 logistics and supply chain professionals from all over Asia and the world to come together to Connect, Communicate and Collaborate.

The time has come for Asia to morph into its own image. Already we are no longer just a manufacturing backyard of multinationals. Today, Asia is assuming its own rights and with growing consumer confidence and knowledge gain by its general population, Asians are slowly becoming more savvy and self sufficient. And we are not talking of the current generation of working professionals – but the new ones that are already in the workforce and making a name for themselves. These are the young and hungry – age less than 45 years old – that are the driving forces of Asia economic development. What we can expect from the next generation of supply chain professionals in Asia? Are they ready to assume leadership and bring supply chain management and development to the highest level than what it is today, creating new knowledge and raising the level of operational competency in this region?

Supply chains originate and end in Asia. With more than 70% of the top 20 ports of the world in Asia, the region is expected to continue to contribute significantly to the global economic development of the next few decades. What are the challenges and opportunities existing in Asia today? How can homegrown Asian logistics companies ride on this developmental wave to grow and be able to compete with global multinationals? Should they scale-up or go niche when Asian logistics players already have the one-up advantage of local knowledge of Asia?

Brand owners and manufacturers have grown in sophistication over the last few decades in terms of understanding what they need to do to improve or create supply chain strategies that add to their overall corporate dominance in the market. The supply chain world today has grown in leaps and bounds when compare with what it was many years ago. Today, supply chain solutions required by global manufacturers and brand owners are often complex and required the support of well trained and highly equipped team of supply chain professionals. However, gaps continued to exist between what customer wants and the level of service propositions that providers can provide.

Several prominent professionals from Asia and globally to form the base of speakers for this event.

If you are keen to participate as a speaker, supporting organization or helper, please send your queries to [email protected]

So, keep your calendar free from 18-20 July 2007 and join us for 2 days of intense business networking and learning.

From 18 Jul 2007
Until 20 Jul 2007
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