Joint New Zealand & Australian Nutrition Societies Conference & Annual Scientific Meeting

Auckland, New Zealand - The aim of this conference is to examine the concept of idyllic lifestyle: what is meant by an idyllic lifestyle, do we have an idyllic lifestyle, what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Both New Zealand and Australia are sold overseas to prospective immigrants and visitors as having the "Idyllic Lifestyle" for living and for bringing up children. Both countries pride themselves on their sports participation, fitness, outdoor lifestyle, and bountiful healthy food supply available to all. Unsurprisingly, most New Zealanders and Australians aspire to this so-called "idyllic" lifestyle.

Research from both countries reveals that the image is not reality. Although we have a bountiful supply of fresh foods and excellent opportunities for physical activity, these are not accessed by everyone. Both New Zealand and Australia are seeing the same lifestyle-related diseases as are occurring throughout the world, together with increasing disparities in health status.

The aim of this conference is to examine the concept of idyllic lifestyle: what is meant by an idyllic lifestyle, do we have an idyllic lifestyle, what are the advantages and disadvantages of it? How healthy is the food supply, what is happening to immune function, what is happening to the health of our children, is the quest leading to additional stress? We will also hear about the latest research in micronutrients including vitamin D and omega 3’s, and lifestyle diseases including cancer, diabetes.

This conference is the only truly scientific nutrition conference held in New Zealand annually and has a focus on the science, research and data behind this claim.

We invite you to Auckland, New Zealand to enjoy the company of colleagues from both New Zealand and Australia, and together discuss some of the national and international challenges to developing a truly idyllic and healthy lifestyle. Opportunities will be provided throughout the programme for you to discuss your ideas and research with colleagues and experts in the field.

Contact : [email protected]

From 05 Dec 2007
Until 07 Dec 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
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