A-LIEP 2011: Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice- Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
The Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia, is hosting A-LIEP 2011: Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice- Issues, Challenges and Opportunities on 22-24 June 2011.
This will be the fourth international A-LIEP conference to provide a platform for participants to discuss, share, and debate on several issues and challenges facing education and practice in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS), with particular emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region.
Since 2006, 2007 and 2009, when the first, second, and third A-LIEP were held in Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan respectively, there have been rapid changes and developments which have brought about new and emerging issues for us to reconsider and examine. Hence, the A-LIEP 2011 will bring together academics, researchers, scholars, practitioners, and individuals interested in the vast field of LIS from across international boundaries for meaningful educational networking, collaboration, exchange of ideas, and knowledge sharing through paper presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and exhibitions.
The following 3 tracks, main themes and subthemes provide some focus and scope of the papers for the A-LIEP 2011 conference. These are by no means exhaustive nor exclusive of each other.
LIS education
Challenges in LIS education nationally and / or internationally
Collaboration and resource sharing among LIS schools
Continuing professional development of LIS professionals
E-learning in LIS education
Impact of ICT on LIS curriculum
Impact of LIS education on the work and career of LIS graduates
Industry’s feedback on LIS graduates
Multidisciplinary curriculum: a myth or reality?
Preparing LIS graduates for leadership and management roles to support national and economic development
Quality assurance and accreditation of LIS programs
The job market for LIS professionals, and competencies needed
LIS practice
Collaboration among libraries and with other professions
Competency standards for library and information services
Customer-focused services
Efficiency vs Effectiveness of Libraries
Evidence-based librarianship
Impact of ICT on Libraries
Integrating research and practice
Knowledge management and librarians
Leadership development and strategic management in libraries
Library manager as strategic leader
LIS professionals as teachers and trainers
Organization and preservation of cultural heritage / indigenous knowledge
Outsourcing of information services
Ranganathan’s Five Laws revisited
Records Management in developing countries
Role of LIS professionals in non-traditional contexts. Changing roles in traditional contexts
Roles and challenges for school media specialists
Strategic use of information services
User education and information literacy for life-long learning
LIS research
Accreditation of LIS Professional Association
Applications of users studies to the design of information services & systems
Characteristics of Knowledge economy: LIS contributions
Design, development and evaluation of digital information repositories
Digital Divide turned Digital Unite
Digital reference services, comparisons with traditional reference services
Evaluation of library/information services. Measurement of the impact and value of information services and products
Image and status of the profession; public recognition of librarians and information profession
Information and knowledge production industry
Information entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities
Knowledge Management vs. Information Management
Models and theories of user information behavior
Please see the link below for more information.