Nature Communication


Innovative technology for the comprehensive analysis of membrane protein extracellular interactions.
22 Feb 2024
Innovative technology for the comprehensive analysis of membrane protein extracellular interactions.
Conceptual visualisation of the new crystal language “Simplified line-input crystal-encoding system” (SLICES) encodes the arrangement of atoms in crystals into texts.
03 Jan 2024
A research team led by Lingnan University's School of Interdisciplinary Studies Assistant Professor Xiao Hang recently devised a “crystal language” that enables artificial intelligence (AI) to create new materials with desired properties (Figure 1). This groundbreaking discovery holds the potential for creating the next revolutionary semiconductor material that makes solar energy abundant and affordable, and opens possibilities for the development of novel superconductors that effortlessly transport clean electricity with zero losses. The findings of this breakthrough research have been published in the prestigious academic journal Nature Communications, which is also the first time Lingnan University scholar published a lead-author paper on the esteemed Nature series.
28 Jul 2023
High-entropy alloys (HEA) have a unique chemical composition that makes them strong, ductile, and resistant to wear-and-tear even at high temperatures. Yet this chemical composition also makes them difficult to study. Now, a collaborative research team has created a new experimental platform that enables the control of the atomic-level structure of HEAs’ surfaces and the ability to test their catalytic properties.


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