Press releases

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International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
24 Apr 2006
Aeolian desertification is land degradation characterized by wind erosion mainly resulting from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in North China. The research on aeolian desertification has been underway for more than 5 decades leading to the establishment and development of China’s desert science.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
24 Apr 2006
Since 1993 FEDA has worked in Rosetta (coastal area), Wadi Natroun (desert area) and Gamalia district (historic part of Cairo). These fragile ecosystems are well known for their cultural heritage. Both Gamalia and Rosetta have some of the most important Islamic monuments, while Wadi Natroun is known for its famous Coptic Christian monasteries.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
24 Apr 2006
Nearly 50% of the arid regions globally, including one-quarter of the irrigated land, one-half of the rainfed cropland and three-quarters of the rangeland, are estimated to be degraded. Unless this trend is checked, the food security of the people in the dry areas will continue to be under threat.
Nature Publishing Group
23 Apr 2006
NATURE AND THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS PRESS RELEASE - For papers that will be published online on 23 April 2006
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
21 Apr 2006
The goal of the meeting was to address migratory bird populations and environmental aspects in the current Asian lineage Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus subtype H5N1 epidemic. Sound scientific information, including an understanding of the environment and migratory bird populations, is a necessity for understanding the epidemic
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
20 Apr 2006
The first system, mPADI is an intelligent mobile system which has the ability to diagnose 6 types of paddy diseases commonly found in paddy fields. The 2nd project is the mobile Intelligent Thalassaemia Diagnosis System (mTADI).
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
20 Apr 2006
Soil & water conservation & degradation; Dust-storm process; Range management; Forage & livestock production; Biodiversity & Ethnobotany; Stress physiology; Renewable energy; Indigenous/traditional knowledge & heritage; Sustainable development of oasis; desert communities & socioeconomic studies; & role of NGO’s; Application of new...
Nature Publishing Group
20 Apr 2006
A new study to be published in the June issue of Nature Genetics reports the binding profile of proteins involved in organizing the structure of DNA in the Drosophila genome.
Nature Publishing Group
20 Apr 2006
Researchers have shown that by labeling pools of cells with different combinations of dyes, they can generate fluorescent ‘barcodes’….; A technique which helps cell culture make the leap into the third dimension, allowing scientists to more closely replicate naturally occurring arrangements of cells in the laboratory is described
Nature Publishing Group
19 Apr 2006
Human societies are notable for cooperation, but the origins of this behaviour are confusing. As the 20-year anniversary of Chernobyl approaches, Nature investigates the health effects of radioactive fallout. The process of protein degradation and clearance of cellular components may be more important than was previously understood
Nature Publishing Group
19 Apr 2006
Summaries of newsworthy stories from Nature Vol 440, No 7087 Dated 20 April 2006 including Evolutionary pathways lead to same destination and Invisible skeleton
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
19 Apr 2006
Researchers from the International Islamic University won 8 medals at the recent 34th Geneva International Invention Exposition including 2 Golds and 6 Silvers.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
18 Apr 2006
There will be a media briefing on the Partnership and the two research projects at the Friendship Hotel, Bai Shi Qiao Road, Haidian District, Beijing on Tuesday evening, April 25th, 2006, 5.30 – 6.30PM. IDRC representatives and key national officials and researchers will be available for interview by the press.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
18 Apr 2006
ICARDA seeks a Grants Management Officer
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
18 Apr 2006
ICARDA seeks a Range Ecology and Management Specialist
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
17 Apr 2006
The invention involves the use of new methods to allow the visually impaired to sense the embossed braille on a garment as a guide to identify the features of the textile product.
Keio University
17 Apr 2006
The Center follows the university’s overall research policy as authorized by the Organization for Research Advancement and Administration (ORAA). It also acts as a primary point of contact for any inquires concerning future industry-government-academia collaboration with Keio University.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
16 Apr 2006
Typhoid is a major public health problem caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi and transmitted via food. The current method for diagnosis of typhoid carriers takes 2-7 days, has low isolation rate and labour intensive. This EZTYPHI Carrier DNA kit will be able to do this in a single tube within 3 hours and is cost effective.
Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Use Programme
14 Apr 2006
Unlikely to infect people; Bird flu, rates, oil pose risks Asia’s growth; Outbreak in Myanmar raises alarm; Viet Nam can’t be over-confident; Restoring wetlands key..; Britain's method questioned; Egypt - 12th case; Indonesia's 33rd case; Thailand 'clean' but spreading; China, markets worry; Bird flu seen unlikely in Japan sparrow deaths
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
13 Apr 2006
IDRC would like to appoint a local writer who is based in Jakarta to participate in the project described below.
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
13 Apr 2006
Aged and weak patients, for instance, often face serious difficulty in putting on the hospital gown and tying up the strings (behind them), by themselves. This work won 2 prestigious certificates at the 2006 Geneva International Inventions Expo.
Nature Publishing Group
13 Apr 2006
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS) today announce the appointment of Dr Dangsheng Li as the new Deputy-Editor-in-Chief for China’s premier life science journal, Cell Research (CR).
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
13 Apr 2006
Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is pleased to announce its support of the Asia Research Partnership on Pandemic Influenza. Pandemic experts, scientists and Asian national granting councils will meet in Beijing, China, on April 24-26 to formalize the Partnership.
Nature Publishing Group
12 Apr 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature. Vol.440 No.7086 Dated 13 April 2006 including Watching synpases at work; The ‘impossible’ microbes; Doting mums let their kids eat them; The gas that won't settle down; A new spin on Vega; Catfish hunts on land
Nature Publishing Group
12 Apr 2006
A new idea about why the experimental antibody drug TGN1412 had devastating effects on humans that had not been seen in animal tests is put forward in an exclusive special news report by Nature this week.
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
12 Apr 2006
All the eight products exhibited by UNIMAS at the 34th Geneva International Invention Exposition 5 – 9 April 2006, received awards. Apart from winning 4 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze medals, UNIMAS was the only Malaysian university participant accredited with Special Certificates for Excellent Achievement.
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
11 Apr 2006
eInfoC is a Web-based Information Centre that specialises in publishing, promoting, and marketing electronic contents. This Universiti Utara Malaysia initiative enables authors to receive payment through many different methods including SMS with an electronic receipt system.
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
09 Apr 2006
The Grand Prix of the 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products was awarded by the International Jury to researchers from the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology, for their manufacturing process for organic medical material which does not damage or discolour and produces no toxic gases during sterilisation
Nature Publishing Group
09 Apr 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers published online on 9 April 2006 by Nature and the Nature Research Journals
Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Use Programme
09 Apr 2006
3 bird flu cases confirmed in Burkina Faso; Indonesia bird flu death confirmed; Cat bird flu risks 'overlooked'; Germany confirms bird flu in fowl; Bird Flu reaches UK; Egypt Says Third Person Dies of Bird Flu