DGIST produces a TIPS-selected student startup for four consecutive years!

- Student startup Quester is selected for the Tech Incubator Program for Startup (TIPS), expecting to bring technological innovation in hand-tracking gloves - DGIST rises as a leading college startup incubator by producing excellent student startups for several years

□ On the 29th (Thu), DGIST (President Kuk Yang) announced that the DGIST student startup Quester (CEO and undergraduate student Jung-woo Lee) has been selected for the Tech Incubator Program for Startup (TIPS) by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and will be receiving several hundred million KRW of R&D funding for the next two years. Accordingly, DGIST has come to produce a TIPS-selected student startup for four consecutive years.


□ The TIPS (Tech Incubator Program for Startup) is a program incubating promising future startups by having the private sector select startup teams with technology items to lead the global market. The teams selected for this program receive not only investments but also mentoring and R&D funding.


□ Quester, selected for this program, is a company developing interactive hand-tracking gloves with world-class precision and tracking speed. Quester’s hand-tracking gloves not only enable accurate tracking in diverse environments but also overcome the limitations of existing technologies in various aspects, such as stability and price. Seoul National University professor Dongjun Lee, the inventor of the core technology, is actively involved in the commercialization process as a technical adviser. Quester is expected to play a leading role in the global control markets, including markets for hand-tracking VR gloves and remote control.


□ In particular, having already been selected for various support programs such as the Pre-Startup Package in 2021 and K-Unicorn Academy in 2022, Quester is showcasing the outstanding research and commercialization capabilities of DGIST student startup teams.


□ “Our company’s technological skills have been acknowledged by being selected for the TIPS, and we could also get the chance to further strengthen our competitive edge in the global market,” said Jung-woo Lee, CEO of Quester, adding “We will continue our R&D further to introduce more innovative hand-tracking globes to the global market.”


□ Meanwhile, DGIST has produced TIP-selected student startups for four consecutive years including the seaweed-based cultured meat company “SeaWith” in 2020.

Published: 09 Aug 2023

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