The students were awarded doctoral scholarships funded through the World Bank’s Higher Education Improvement Project. The project aims to improve the quality of higher education learning and teaching, as well as to enhance the research capacity and governance of the Cambodian higher education sector. To attain these goals, EdUHK is collaborating with RUPP, and has been working in partnership with the south-east Asian country’s ministry of education and six universities to set up the Centre of Excellence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Innovations (CEHETLI).
Passing the torch
With the support of the EdUHK-CEHETLI team, the students will continue their learning journey at the University to build their capacity for quality research, teaching and learning. After graduation, they will serve as key personnel to manage the Centre and its activities, and contribute to quality enhancement of higher education teaching and learning in Cambodia. Also part of the World Bank project, EdUHK and CEHETLI have co-organised a series of policy dialogue events. The fourth of these took place online in February and brought together 48 university leaders and senior higher education management officials from Cambodia and EdUHK, to celebrate the 21 master teachers’ successful completion of the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education programme. This provides a variety of learning opportunities for the master teachers to build their capacity for quality higher education teaching and learning.