Dr. Ken-ichi Uchida
Career history
[Main affiliation]
2016.10-present Group Leader, Spin Caloritronics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science
2014.4-2016.9 Associate Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
2012.4-2014.3 Assistant Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
[Cross appointment]
2019.5-present Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
[Adjunct appointments]
2019.5-present Professor, Center for Spintronics Research Network, Tohoku University
2018.12-present Associate Professor, Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba
2018.4-present Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2017.4-2020.3 Thermal Management and Thermoelectric Materials Group, Center for Materials Research by Information Integration, National Institute for Materials Science
2017.2-2019.3 Visiting Associate Professor, Center for Spintronics Research Network, Tohoku University
2016.4-2016.9 Associate Professor, Center for Spintronics Research Network, Tohoku University
2012.10-2018.3 PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Selected publications
K. Uchida, S. Takahashi, K. Harii, J. Ieda, W. Koshibae, K. Ando, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, "Observation of the spin Seebeck effect", Nature 455, 778-781 (2008).
K. Uchida, J. Xiao, H. Adachi, J. Ohe, S. Takahashi, J. Ieda, T. Ota, Y. Kajiwara, H. Umezawa, H. Kawai, G. E. W. Bauer, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, "Spin Seebeck insulator", Nature Materials 9, 894-897 (2010).
K. Uchida, H. Adachi, T. An, T. Ota, M. Toda, B. Hillebrands, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, "Long-range spin Seebeck effect and acoustic spin pumping", Nature Materials 10, 737-741 (2011).
A. Kirihara, K. Uchida, Y. Kajiwara, M. Ishida, Y. Nakamura, T. Manako, E. Saitoh, and S. Yorozu, "Spin-current-driven thermoelectric coating", Nature Materials 11, 686-689 (2012).
T. An, V. I. Vasyuchka, K. Uchida, A. V. Chumak, K. Yamaguchi, K. Harii, J. Ohe, M. B. Jungfleisch, Y. Kajiwara, H. Adachi, B. Hillebrands, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, "Unidirectional spin-wave heat conveyer", Nature Materials 12, 549-553 (2013).
K. Uchida, H. Adachi, D. Kikuchi, S. Ito, Z. Qiu, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, "Generation of spin currents by surface plasmon resonance", Nature Communications 6, 5910 (2015).
S. Daimon, R. Iguchi, T. Hioki, E. Saitoh, and K. Uchida, "Thermal imaging of spin Peltier effect", Nature Communications 7, 13754 (2016).
K. Uchida, S. Daimon, R. Iguchi, and E. Saitoh, "Observation of anisotropic magneto-Peltier effect in nickel", Nature 558, 95-99 (2018).
J. Wang, Y. K. Takahashi, and K. Uchida, "Magneto-optical painting of heat current", Nature Communications 11, 2 (2020).
K. Uchida, M. Murata, A. Miura, and R. Iguchi, "Observation of the magneto-Thomson effect", Physical Review Letters 125, 106601 (2020). [Editors' Suggestion & Featured in Physics]
W. Zhou, K. Yamamoto, A. Miura, R. Iguchi, Y. Miura, K. Uchida, and Y. Sakuraba, "Seebeck-driven transverse thermoelectric generation", Nature Materials 20, 463-467 (2021).
G. E. W. Bauer, R. Iguchi, and K. Uchida, "Theory of transport in ferroelectric capacitors", Physical Review Letters 126, 187603 (2021).