Mr Lwin Maung Maung Swe
Lwin Maung Maung Swe is a program director for advancing life and regenerating motherland (ALARM), a leading local NGO in Myanmar for land & environmental justice and for climate and environmental integration in the country’s development planning. He has joined ALARM since 2005 as a field staff of a community-based natural resource management project in Kachin State. Over 15-years of career, he specializes in project/program management, participatory planning & research and advocacy for improving environmental governance, transparent & accountable management of natural resources, food security, adaptation to climate change and climate mitigation. He is also a reviewer of some international academic journals and have authored/ co-authored several journal articles, technical reports and publications regarding agricultural adaptation to climate change, land tenure security, climate and environmental mainstreaming, rural institutional reforms and environmental performance assessments in Myanmar. His research interests include how to effectively decentralize land taxation, how customary lands could be secured for indigenous communities, how natural resources could be governed in federal setting and how climate considerations could be integrated in the country’s development planning. He received the Bachelor of Agricultural Science from Yezin Agricultural University and Master of Science in Natural Resources Management and in Environmental Management from the Asian Institute Technology and the Australian National University.
Selected publications
Customary land management systems in Myanmar: Findings from land management perspective, ALARM, 2021, Yangon, Myanmar
Livelihood development strategies for ten coastal communities of Kyeintali township, Rakhine State, 2019, WCS, Myanmar.
How we could catch up Singapore, 2018, The Voice Journal.
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture: Cases from Southeast Asia, 2018, Sustainable Agricultural Research.
Behind the Oil Palm: Consequences of International Investment in oil palm plantations, 2018, ALARM, Yangon, Myanmar.
Myanmar Environmental Outlook, 2017, ALARM, Yangon, Myanmar.
Myanmar Environmental Outlook, 2013-2014, ALARM, Yangon, Myanmar.
Farmers’ perception of and adaptation to climate-change impacts in the Dry Zone of Myanmar, 2014, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2014.989188
The Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to climate change in Dry Zone area of Myanmar, 2012, Thesis Collection, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Education, Training and Public Awareness on Climate Change, Chapter 8 of Myanmar’s Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2012, NCEA, Myanmar.