Nine CUHK Professors Named Most Highly Cited Researchers

Nine professors of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have earned the honour of being named in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2019” as among the world’s top researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by fellow academics.

CUHK professors listed in the “Highly Cited Researchers 2019” are as follows:

Prof. Tony MOK

Category: Clinical Medicine

Prof. Tony MOK, Chairman of the Department of Clinical Oncology and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Henry CHAN

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. Henry CHAN Lik Yuen, Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Medicine and Director, Centre for Liver Health

Prof. Joseph SUNG

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. Joseph SUNG, Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine and Director, Institute of Digestive Disease

Prof. Vincent WONG

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. Vincent WONG Wai-Sun, Head of Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine

Prof. KWAN Mei Po

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. KWAN Mei-Po, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, Faculty of Social Science and Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science

Prof. Jimmy YU

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. Jimmy YU, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Science 

Prof. WONG Ching Ping

Category: Cross-Field

Prof. WONG Ching Ping, Emeritus Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering 

Prof. David AHLSTROM

Category: Economics & Business

Prof. David AHLSTROM, Professor and Acting Chairman, Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration 

Prof. LEE Sing

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology

Prof. LEE Sing, Clinical Professor (Honorary), Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine

“Highly Cited Researchers 2019”, released by the Clarivate Analytics, identifies the most influential researchers as determined by their peers around the world. The honour is given to researchers who published a high number of papers that rank in the top 1% by citations in their respective fields of study and year of publication. The 2019 list includes 6,217 highly cited researchers in various fields from nearly 60 countries and regions, representing 0.1% of all professors and researchers worldwide. This is also the second year that cross-field researchers, with exceptional broad performance across several fields, have been identified.

For the full list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2019”, please refer to:

Published: 20 Dec 2019

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