Prof. Siu Oi-ling
PhD (Liverpool)
AdvDipEd, MPhil (HKU)
BEd (Strathclyde)
Research Interests
Occupational Health Psychology, specifically occupational stress, psychology of safety and work-life balance.
Environmental Psychology and Psychology of Ageing
23rd in Top Scientists in China in the area of Psychology by (2022)
World's Top 2 % Scientists ranked by Stanford University (2020, 2021)
Received the RGC Humanity and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Award (2021)
Awarded 2018 "Top 50" Overall Contributor to Work and Family Research by Work and Family Researchers Network Washington D.C. (in June 2018).
One of the Top 25 work-family scholars in the world (Google Scholar, May 2017)
Editor, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2015.
Associate Editor, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology from January 2015.
Member of Editorial Board, Stress and Health (from 2017).
Guest Professor of Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, PRC since November 2016.
Guest Professor, School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University from April 2018.
Awarded the Research Excellence Award in May 2002.
Awarded the Dr. and Mrs. James Wu Awards for Outstanding Service by Lingnan University in March 2002.
Awarded the Committee Member of Chinese Association of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) & Organizational Health in November 2004.
Awarded Guest Professorship by Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC since January 2008. 中國科學院社會與組織行為研究中心客座教授.
Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2010 to 31 January 2014.
Member of Editorial Advisory and Review Board, Asian Journal on Environment-Behaviour Studies from October 2009.
Member of Editorial and Review Board, Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies from September 2010.
Selected publications
Siu, O. L., & Ng, T. K. (2021). Family-to-work interface and workplace injuries: The mediating roles of burnout, work engagement and safety violations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11760.
Siu, O. L., Kong, Q., & Ng, T. K. (2021). Psychological capital and family satisfaction among employees: Do occupational stressors moderate the relationship? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12260.
Siu O.L., Lo, B.C.Y., Ng, T.K., & Wang, H. (published online 19 March 2021). Social support and student outcomes: The mediating roles of psychological capital, study engagement, and problem-focused coping. Current Psychology ( (accepted 10 March 2021)
Da, S., Zhu, Z., Cen, H., Gong, Z., Siu, O.L., & Zhang, X. (published online May 2021). Psychological Capital, Positive Affect, and Organizational Outcomes : A Three-Wave Cross-Lagged Study. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15, 1-13 doi: 10.1177/18344909211010514) (accepted on 25 March 2021)
Siu, O.L. (2020). “Outgoing editorial”. International Journal of Stress Management, 27(4), 412.
Siu, O.L., Cooper, C.L., Roll, L.C, & Lo, C. (2020). Occupational stress and its economic cost in Hong Kong: The role of positive emotions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8622; doi:10.3309/ijerph17228622.
Book Chapters
Siu, O.L. & Lin, N.X (forthcoming). Work/home spillover when working from home. In Michael P. Leiter and Cary L. Cooper, Burnout; Lessons from Pandemic and Beyond (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group.
Mehmood, H. & Siu, O.L. (2021). Intentions Behind the Use of Social Network Sites and their Association with Employees’ Job Performance and Wellbeing. In T. Wall, C.L. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.) (pp. 172-183), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. London: Sage Publication Ltd.
Lu, C.Q., Siu, O.L., Wang, H.J., & Lu, L. (2021). Job stressors in Greater China: An exploratory study using the qualitative and quantitative approaches. In K.A. Sharma, C.L. Cooper, and D.M. Pestonjee (Eds.), Organizational Stress Around the World: Research and Practice. (pp.43-61). New York: Routledge.
Mehmood, H., & Siu, O.L. (2020). Reducing disruptions caused by social networking sites through mindfulness: a case in point. In S.K. Dhiman (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Mindfulness at Work (374-385). London and New York: Taylor & Frances Group, Routledge.
Mehmood, H. & Siu, O.L. (forthcoming). Intentions Behind the Use of Social Network Sites and their Association with Employees’ Job Performance and Wellbeing. In T. Wall, C.L. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. London: Sage Publication Ltd.
Siu, O.L., Pagon, M., & Wang, H.J. (2020). Occupational Health Psychology and Women in Asian Contexts. In F. Cheng and D.F. Halpern (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of The International Psychology of Women (pp.317-328). Cambridge University Press.
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